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  1. Hey, I wonder if there's a way to create two custom filters on category pages, what i want is two buttons to filter every products with the "new product" attribute on. So when you click "New products" it shows all the new products from the main category and it's child categories. Same with sale, only difference is that it will sort on products on sale instead of new products. Anyone who knows a way to do it?
  2. There must be someone here who atleast got an idea!
  3. Anyone got an idea how to do it?
  4. Hey, I'm using OPC and I wonder how I would pass a checkbox value to the order table in the database and then display it in the Back office if the checkbox is selected. Any easy way to do this? I guess I add a checkbox to the opc-template, then using the Class and Controller to process it. But somehow I don't manage to do it, anyone else knows exactly what to do? Regards, spk
  5. Hej folks, I'm trying to create a feature to redirect a new user that is a retailer to a specific CMS-page. I have created a function in AuthController.php to set the customer to inactive (also sets group id to 4) by default. The retailer uses the create account function using a specific link containing ?retail=1. By doing this i use a script on the login#create_account that check a hidden input field (name="retail") and set it to value 1. All going fine this far, a retail account is created and it is set to inactive by default. But when the retailer clicks on "Create account" he will only get sent to the login page again. I would like to add something like login?retail=1&success=1 and if success = 1 in the URL i'll show a message containing some information useful for the retailer. I have been trying to modify both FrontController.php and AuthController.php, and when I try using the hidden post variable if ($_POST['retail'] == '1') nothing happens. But if I don't use the if statement it works. I've tried this on line 702 in the AuthController.php. Right under the commented string: // if register process is in two steps, we display a message to confirm account creation if ($_POST['retail'] == '1') { $linkToRedirect = $this->context->link->getCMSLink(19); Tools::redirect($linkToRedirect); } Anyone got an idea how to solve this? Regards, spk
  6. Hey! Using Prestashop I'm looking for a way to disable a OPC-module from the mobile-theme (its not the original OPC). A global smarty variable like {if $isMobile} code code code {/if} is not the right way, I need to catch this before it actually shows the OPC-template. I've looked into "mobile.config.inc.php"-file, where I can find these lines: /* Do not allow One-page Checkout and Guest Checkout with Mobile template */ Configuration::set('PS_ORDER_PROCESS_TYPE', 0); Configuration::set('PS_GUEST_CHECKOUT_ENABLED', 0); Is it possible to some how add the module to this and set it's value to 0? Or how do I actually do this? I don't have that much experience from fixing with mobile themes in Prestashop. Regards, Spk
  7. The best way to do it is to read the documentation for the web api and use it. I'm afraid I can't help you since I personally don't know how it works exactly.
  8. No, I chose not to do this via the Prestashop API. But feel free to share if you succeed.
  9. Yea, I get what you mean with unpredictable but from what I've read it should work. No, I haven't fixed SSL-cert yet. But the hosting provider knows that this change will come around in a couple of days so they are prepared and know what to do. Thanks, I've already read that one through tho. :-)
  10. Ehm... How do I mark this as solved?
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