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  1. Thanks. Maybe you could post link to french topic here, so everybody could read it.
  2. This helps, but only temporarily. After couple of minutes user is logged off and he must clear browser cache again to log in.
  3. Now I have discovered that if I disable cache in Chrome developer console, suddenly I can login. But cache is disabled in prestashop and I also cleared it manually. I asked my provider if there is some cache system running on server, but they said it is disabled.
  4. Thanks for your answer. I will check modules which could cause the problem. PHP version is the same as on old hosting and mysql version changed from 10.0.21-MariaDB to 10.1.37-MariaDB. Could this be the problem?
  5. Hello, I have migrated my prestashop installation to new hosting. I have followed these instructions: enabled maintenance mode, cleared and disabled cache, downloaded all files and uploaded them to new hosting, exported database and imported to new one with different name, changed settings.inc.php - new db credentials, changed DNS settings of domain to new hosting. Problem is I cannot login to backoffice. If I log in, browser redirects me to login page again with no error. Only solution is to clear browser cache, or add www before URL. But after some time problem appears again. I have tried to log in on several computers. I have tried following suggestions mentioned in other threads: cleared and disabled cache, checked shop url and uri in db and settings.inc.php, tried to modify Cookie.php, changed shop url to www, added DNS A record to www prefix, checked cookie key if matches with one from old hosting, but with no luck. I have prestashop Thanks for any suggestions.
  6. Zdravím a prosím o radu: přesouval jsem prestashop na nový hosting, postupoval jsem podle následujících instrukcí: zapnul jsem režim údržby vypnul jsem a vyčistil cache stáhnul jsem všechny soubory a nahrál na nový hosting exportoval jsem databázi a importoval do nové s jiným názvem změnil jsem nastavení settings.inc.php změnil jsem DNS záznamy domény a nasměroval ji na nový hosting. Problém je, že se nemohu přihlásit do backoffice. Když se pokusím přihlásit, prohlížeč mě přesměruje zpět na přihlašovací obrazovku, bez jakékoliv chybové hlášky. Jediným řešením je vymazat cache prohlížeče, nebo přidat na začátek URL www. Po nějakém čase se ale opět nelze přihlásit. Zkoušel jsem následující postupy, které jsem našel jinde na fóru: vypnul jsem a vymazal cache prestashopu zkontroloval jsem url a uri eshopu v databázi a v settings.inc.php zkusil jsem upravit soubor Cookie.php změnil jsem URL shopu - přidal jsem www. přidal jsem DNS záznam pro prefix www zkontroloval jsem cookie key, jestli je stejný, jako na starém hostingu Nic ale nepomohlo. Díky za všechny rady.
  7. Thanks for reply, it seems to be fixed now. I only upgraded shop to, then downgraded back to - maybe this fixed the issue, but I can't imagine how.
  8. Hello, I have been looking everywhere to solve this, but with no luck. I tried to translate module Cash On delivery, but in translations there are zero sentences to be translated. I have looked into module files, found one part of text to be translated in file ps_cashondelivery_intro.tpl: {l s='You pay for the merchandise upon delivery' d='Modules.Cashondelivery.Shop'} Other part of text is hardcoded in php file ps_cashondelivery.php: ->setCallToActionText($this->trans('Pay by CashonDelivery', array(), 'Modules.Cashondelivery.Shop')) Could you please help me with modifying files so I could translate them? Thanks a lot! Eduard
  9. Hello, I found very confusing bug in my Prestashop Way to reproduce this bug: On product page set quantity more than is in stock. Click on "Add to cart" button. Message shows up under the button saying "There are not enough products in stock". But, after that popup shows, saying that product was added to cart in quantity 0. This is not normal behavior. Could you please tell me how to fix this? I am attaching screenshot. Thanks. Eduard
  10. Hello, I have following problem: I have 3 shops in multistore, each on different domain. I have turned on maintenance mode on shops 1 and 2. Now what I want: shop 1 to show maintenance page and shop 2 redirect to some other address. How do I achieve that? Please help. Thanks for your answers.
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