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About sitte

  • Birthday 01/01/1980

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    Poland Lublin
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    Hello. I'm working in website and webstore develpment agency in poland in Lublin. http://sitte.pl
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    Marketing / SEO Agency
    Web Development Agency

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  1. Have any of you come across a solution that allows orders to be placed with 3 addresses instead of 2? Orderer's address Delivery address Recipient's address (additional) Orders for educational establishments are placed by the school, but the recipient of the invoice is the local authority and the delivery address may still be different. Therefore the need for 3 addresses when ordering.
  2. I would like to report an attack vector I have had the unpleasantness of encountering. There was a hack on one of the sites. After analysing the logs, it was found that during the attack, an attempt was made to attack the following files: "POST /modules/bamegamenu/ajax_phpcode.php HTTP/1.1" "GET /modules/cartabandonmentpro/views/js/fileman/php/movefile.php HTTP/1.1" "GET /modules/explorerpro/action.php HTTP/1.1" "GET /modules/cdesigner/views/js/cdesigner.js HTTP/1.1" "GET /modules/jmsslider/views/js/jquery.fractionslider.js HTTP/1.1" "GET /modules/apmarketplace/ajax.php HTTP/1.1" Modules: bamegamenu cartabandonmentpro explorerpro cdesigner jmsslider apmarketplace vs 1.0 Check/update if you use any of these modules
  3. If You edit category at multilingual site check if all necessary fields (in category edit form) are filled in all languages. For Exampe: you will get error if in some language there is empty alias field.
  4. in my case the problem was related to overwriting the module override/ps_shoppingcart/ps_shoppingcart.php . After some update there was a change in the syntax of the overrided class.
  5. I found solution. When You use multistore website with large pruducts base then the part of LEFT JOIN ps_product_shop is the reason for the reduced performance of the sql query. I added index: ALTER TABLE `ps_product_shop` DROP INDEX `sitte1`, ADD INDEX `sitte1` (`id_product`, `active`, `visibility`, `indexed`) USING BTREE; and all runs smoothly.
  6. I have a problem with a very long search time (600 seconds) on my shop (27000 products, 9 domains - multi-shop, ps_search_index - 6 612 054 records, ps_search_word - 307 836 records). Dedicated server 32GB RAM. The database is clogged with queries such as: SELECT DISTINCT si.id_product FROM ps_search_word sw LEFT JOIN ps_search_index si ON sw.id_word = si.id_word LEFT JOIN ps_product_shop product_shop ON (product_shop.`id_product` = si.`id_product`) WHERE sw.id_lang = 1 AND sw.id_shop = 1 AND product_shop.`active` = 1 AND product_shop.`visibility` IN ("both", "search") AND product_shop.indexed = 1 AND sw.word LIKE '%test%' In mysql the hang with status: "Copying to tmp table" I tried reindexing but no result. Can anyone suggest what is causing this?
  7. Thank you for your reply. Good to know. I solved/bypassed the problem by completely rebuilding the category structure. Submit bug if You can.
  8. I added media server edfmmm9vo6z.exactdn.com in performance options of https://alkam-security.pl/. It works, many img and css files are now passing through the CDN, but not all. Some graphics from the modules are not rewritten. Why? Please give me a hint.
  9. When I turn on the faceted search module then in some subcategories I see products from completely different category branches. I have checked the products are not assigned to the category or subcategory I am checking. When I disable the faceted search module the problem does not occur. The shop has multistore enabled but the assignment of products to categories does not change between shops. Prestashop and all module are up to date.
  10. I'm trying to prepare module to display packs/sets that contains product. It will be displayed in hookDisplayFooterProduct. I have category and product info but I'm struggling with getting packs (product sets) that contains product. $product = $this->context->controller->getProduct(); $category = new Category((int)$product->id_category_default, (int)$this->context->language->id); $pack = new Pack(); $PacksContainingItem=$pack->getPacksContainingItem($product->id, 2 , (int)$this->context->language->id); $PacksContainingItem contains info that I need but it is in different format then Product (for example it contains no product id). Does somebody has any example how to get such packs or can tell me how to convert such data?
  11. Wyłącz SSL i zmień port na 25. Ewentualnie zmień jeszcze adres serwera smtp z *.nazwa.pl na nazwę domeny sklepu.
  12. After 2 years there is solution, bust still not in core files: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/13804/files/a699588375eb9b498ea617f82a70afcb34418762
  13. Po dokładniejszym sprawdzeniu problem dotyczy tego że funkcja isAvailableForThisAddress(Address $address) w pliku /modules/vatnumber/VATNumberTaxManager.php jest wywoływana kilka razy (dokładnie 4). Za pierwszym i ostatnim otrzymuje właściwy adres i zwraca true. W dwóch środkowych jednak otrzymuje pusty adres i zwraca false. Problem nie został przez nas rozwiązany lecz ominięty poprzez dodanie linijki if ($address->id_country!=14) return true; /*14 to numer kraju Polska*/ na początku tej funkcji. Dzięki temu jeśli tylko nie sprzedajemy poza UE to rozwiązuje (albo chwilowo łata) tą sprawę. Może się komuś przyda.
  14. Przenoszę sklep z Prestashop 1.6 na 1.7. W obu zainstalowany jest moduł Europejski numer VAT. Weryfikuje on numer VAT prawidłowo jednak w preście 1.6 nie dolicza podatku VAT w podsumowaniu (tego oczekuję) a w 1.7 niezależnie od wprowadzonego numeru NIP, VAT jest zawsze doliczany. Czy ten moduł powinien zmienić stawkę VAT na 0 w przypadku podania prawidłowego numeru NIP w adresie? Jeśli tak to czy wymaga jeszcze jakichś ustawień? Prosiłbym o podpowiedź.
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