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  1. Hello, Prestahop in /override/controllers/front/OrderConfirmationController.php I insert between /* If guest we clear the cookie for security reason */ $this->context->customer->mylogout(); } $order = new Order($this->id_order); $cart = new Cart($order->id_cart); foreach ($cart->getProducts() AS $prodotto){ if ($prodotto->id == 33061 || $prodotto->id == 33062){ $ruzzante = true; } } $this->setTemplate(_PS_THEME_DIR_.'order-confirmation.tpl'); } then at the end of order-confirmation.tpl I add {if $ruzzante} <script type="text/javascript"> window.alert(2); </script> {/if} but it doesn't show What am I doing wrong? Thank you very much indeed, J
  2. Hello, write here your own requests for Prestashop 1.6 coming in December! 1- Export Products (with descriptions, tags, images), and Orders, and Customers 2- CKEditor instead of tinyMCE (or at least enable all options available in tinyMCE by default) 3- Shipping rate according to payment method (it's a feature bundled in ANY other e-commerce platform!) 4- Shipping rate per ZIP code 5- The possibility to insert some custom html code in any module hook 6- In the same cart, the possibility to have some products that will be paid later, and others immediately payable. ("Bookable Products") 7- A serious backup system, like Akeeba Backup for Joomla 8- The possibility to select the destination while cloning some products (ex. Clone to --> All shops, Shop nr3...) 9- I would like that the module "blocksearch" was capable of searching in all of my stores/shops of my multishop installation of prestashop (configurable: search in "current shop" or shop 1,2,6 or "all shops")
  3. Hello, write here your own requests for Prestashop 1.6 coming in December! 1- Export Products (with descriptions, tags, images), and Orders, and Customers 2- CKEditor instead of tinyMCE (or at least enable all options available in tinyMCE by default) 3- Shipping rate according to payment method (it's a feature bundled in ANY other e-commerce platform!) 4- Shipping rate per ZIP code 5- The possibility to insert some custom html code in any module hook 6- In the same cart, the possibility to have some products that will be paid later, and others immediately payable. ("Bookable Products") 7- A serious backup system, like Akeeba Backup for Joomla 8- The possibility to select the destination while cloning some products (ex. Clone to --> All shops, Shop nr3...) happy 2013!
  4. Hello, I would like that the module "blocksearch" was capable of searching in all of my stores/shops of my multishop installation of prestashop 1.5.x I edited the module but it just links to class search.php Looking inside this file I find many references like the following: id_shop = '.$context->shop->id.' which I think mean "define the shop to search in" Is there any simple way to accomplish my goal (even appending the results of a modified copy of the entire class, which isn't elegant, but maybe effective?)
  5. I need it too! Is it possible to replace tinymce w ckeditor?
  6. Ciao ragazzi, installazione fresca di prestashop final Abilito il multishop, Creo due negozi, abilito tutte le opzioni possibili e immaginabili sul gruppo che contiene i due shop. Dovrebbero condividere tutto. Creo un prodotto nel negozio A Vado nel frontend del negozio A e aggiungo il prodotto al carrello Vado nel frontend del negozio B........ Risulta "1 prodotto nel carrello" , ma quando lo vò a vedere non compare l'oggetto, ma solo la dicitura "1 oggetto nel carrello". Mi permette anche di andare avanti nel checkout "piantandosi" allo step della spedizione............................................ Che schifezza, possibile che non lo abbiano testato???
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