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  1. Just create a file in PRESTA_PATH/override/classes/controller/AdminController.php with following contents: <?php class AdminController extends AdminControllerCore { public function setMedia() { parent::setMedia(); $this->addCSS(__PS_BASE_URI__.'path_to_your_css_file.css', 'all', 10); } } After creating this file you may need to clear (delete file) Prestashop class cache. It's in path: PRESTA_PATH/cache/class_index.php. // Edit: I don't know why but forum strips all spaces/indents from code I'm pasting. Here you have better formated code: http://pastebin.com/nWTzcjMH
  2. Just register admin header/footer hook in your custom module and add there link to your stylesheets. Alternatively you can override AdminControllerCore::setMedia() and add there $this->addCSS('linkto/stylesheets.css').
  3. @Nemo Duckduckgo is a search engine https://duckduckgo.com/about @aki thewastedtalent Have you copied & pasted any text in cmsinfoblock? Check contents (html source) of cmsinfoblock entries. /Edit: or there's any chance that you're using FastestFox addon? https://www.concrete5.org/community/forums/usage/fyi-a-problem-i-discovered-and-solved.-blocks-hidden-after-templ/
  4. OPC is almost ok, but there is still place for improvements. For example method of counting costs of delivery and payment options. If it's linked with country id, Presta should go with default value so customer do not need to save address first (it's unintuitive).
  5. It's totally doable to do but it takes some time and requires modification/override in core, theme and payment modules. I did it on PS Full details with all products and prices (like in customer order details), delivery address, seller info and additional info below (e.g. hook for payment channels or bank info). In my case order steps are: OPC page -> Order Confirmation Page -> (Optional) Payment -> (Optional) Payment Confirmation Page. If I remember correctly you need to modify OrderConfirmationController and order-confirmation.tpl using data from OrderDetailController and order-detail.tpl. After that you need to customize payment modules templates for hookOrderConfirmation/hookPaymentReturn. Here you have screen:
  6. @Dh42 great article. There's a lot of new features in Presta but some of them seem to be not thought out enough for production sites. I don't uderstand why I can't edit product image label after upload (basic feature), or why product categories navigation/filtering in backend is so unfriendly. The best thing is Customer Service. We have messages in one place, yes... but we can't navigate efficently through them. We can't read customer messages in order page so when employee adds message it goes into black hole. Thumbs up for that. The most important are rock solid basic features, performance, user friendly interface and stability.
  7. Yeah, you'll probably have problems with other modules too (unprotected forms in secure pages like search form in top, newsletter form etc.). You need to detect secured page and apply it on links. Here is diff code for themes/default-bootstrap/js/modules/blockcart/ajax-cart.js, you can try it (make backup first): pastebin.com/bJHTzipm // Edit: I forgot to add that provided code is based od PS
  8. Analytics code is generated in this file: PRESTA_PATH/modules/ganalytics/views/templates/hook/header.tpl
  9. Localization > Languages > YOUR_LANGUAGE > Edit Option "Is RTL Language" => "No"
  10. Yeah, I also noticed that this method is use in only one place. Your explanation make sense. This behaviour is just strange for me considering methods name and lack of description - it's not obvious. Thanks a lot!
  11. Hi all. I have trouble understanding behaviour of method Customer::getLastCart(). Could anyone explain me why this method returns false if cart has products number >0? Here's body of method: public function getLastCart($with_order = true) { $carts = Cart::getCustomerCarts((int)$this->id, $with_order); if (!count($carts)) return false; $cart = array_shift($carts); $cart = new Cart((int)$cart['id_cart']); return ($cart->nbProducts() === 0 ? (int)$cart->id : false); } It's a bug or feature?
  12. Hi all! After introducing blocklayered and ajax pagination site abandonment rate in GAnalytics jumped about 8-10%. Page load times and server response are ok, not much difference. I'm using standard ganalytics module for PS 1.6. I'm just wondering if ajax loading of products list could be related to site abandonment rate?
  13. If you're familiar with compass/sass, you could try to play with themes/*/sass/bootstrap_lib/_variables.scss and in "Media queries breakpoints" set very low breakpoints for smaller screens (1px, 2px etc.). I didn't test it though. This code should affect to all bootstrap rules.
  14. Latest two versions of Presta introduced a lot of bugs. Luckily I delayed any upgrade from I've tried to reproduce this bug on clean installation with different settings combinations but without success. What version of Presta did you upgrade from?
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