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  1. When I upload product images, I set up 3 image sizes for products. Butr there are other image sizes are in the system, for categories etc. When I upload products via import, make all of the image sizes whick are in the system and generete jpg and png as well at the same time, but I only need jpg. Example, in import csv: mysite.com/img/products/product1.jpg It needs to generate these files: mysite.com/img/p/1/1/product1.jpg mysite.com/img/p/1/1/product1_home.jpg mysite.com/img/p/1/1/product1_cart.jpg mysite.com/img/p/1/1/product1_thickbox.jpg But now, it is generating the following: mysite.com/img/p/1/1/product1.jpg mysite.com/img/p/1/1/product1.png mysite.com/img/p/1/1/product1_home.jpg mysite.com/img/p/1/1/product1.png mysite.com/img/p/1/1/product1_category_default.jpg (category_default is not available for products, only for categories) mysite.com/img/p/1/1/product1_category_default.png 3-4x more images will be generating. What can I do?
  2. I made a file backup, everything works except MOdules menu, where I get this message: [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module CertissimXMLElement.class: syntax error, unexpected T_CLASS I use PS 1.5.6 Any idea how can I fix it?
  3. Hello, I am using PS 1.5.6 and I would like to show the product visibility (both, none, search etc.) in Admin > Products, next to Quantity. Thanks, Gergo
  4. Hello, It is no possible to turn off other sites. My site is not slow, I have memory limit problems on server side.
  5. I am using Prestashop and it is eating my server memory. If I set lower in php_ini it is not working properly. On the same server we are running few bigger e-commerce sites as well (those are self-made) and they are working with lower memory. How and what can I optimize the shop not to eat such a larger amount of memory. I tried to upgrade it to 1.6 but it needed more memory. What do you think? Best, Gergo
  6. Sziasztok, Nekem olyan kérdésem lenne, hogyan oldható meg, hogy az order_conf levélen kívül a többi státusz levélbe is bekerülhessenek a rendelési adatok, mint pl. termékek, címek, szállítási és fizetési módok? KÖszi,
  7. Hi, I would like to create new order status emails, but I don't know how can I show the ordered items in the letter? For example, if needs to delete one of the product from the order, customer will get an email, that the cart has been changed, and needs to go to the Order HIstory, find the order number, open it and will see the new order details. I would like that the ordered items, prices will show in this e-mail, and all of them, for example, if the order has been paid, sent the email with the details of the order. HOw can I use {products} , {total_paid} in these letters? Best, Gergo
  8. Hello, én SmartBlog.ot használok, ingyenes, időzíteni sajnos nem lehet, de oldal letöltéseket pl. mér, SEO-zni is jól lehet.
  9. A fill the When product is available field on the backend, for example 1-2 business days. In the product.tpl I would like to add som emore information depends what was written in the available field. So If available_now: 1-2 business days show the following information on the product page: You will get it before 12/10 If available_now 2-3 business days show this: You will get it before 12/15. The date is dynamically, I have the script for that, only I would like to know how can I add this date to the available now.
  10. Azért mondjuk, hogy olyan termékedre ne érkezzen kattintás, amelyik nincs raktáron, nincs belőle készleted.
  11. Árukereső PS feedje: <?php /* ** Arukereso.hu ** CSV exportáló PrestaShop webáruházhoz ** ** Ezt a fájlt a webshop főkönyvtárába kell elhelyezni, és már működik is. ** */ define ('AK_VERSION', '2.1.7'); define ('AK_CHECK_STOCK', 1); define ('ENGINE_NAME', 'PrestaShop'); define ('MANUFACTURER_FIELD','manufacturer'); // define('_USER_ID_LANG_',1); set_time_limit(0); if (!file_exists('init.php') || !file_exists('config/config.inc.php')) { ak_error('An include file not found. Check the path.'); } include('config/config.inc.php'); require_once('init.php'); if (isset($_GET['ak_check_stock']) && ($_GET['ak_check_stock'] == 0 || $_GET['ak_check_stock'] == 'true')) { define ('AK_CHECK_STOCK_CONST', 0); } else { define ('AK_CHECK_STOCK_CONST', AK_CHECK_STOCK); } try { $query = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT p.id_product FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product p WHERE p.active = 1 '); // "AND quantity > 0" if (!$query) { ak_error('SQL error: ' . mysql_error()); } $lang = (int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'); $data = array(); $curreny = Currency::getCurrent(); $cat = new Category(); $root = $cat->getRootCategory(); $categories = array(); $defaultCountry = new Country(Configuration::get('PS_COUNTRY_DEFAULT'), Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')); $id_zone = (int)$defaultCountry->id_zone; $id_carrier = (int)(Configuration::get('PS_CARRIER_DEFAULT')); $carrierTax = Tax::getCarrierTaxRate((int)$id_carrier); $carrier = new Carrier((int)($id_carrier), Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')); foreach ($query as $i => $v) { $product = new Product(intval($v['id_product']),true, $lang); $productCategories = $product->getCategories(); $parents = ""; $category = ""; foreach ($productCategories as $productCategory) { $temp = ak_get_category($productCategory); if ($temp['parents'] > $parents) { $category = $temp['name']; $parents = $temp['parents']; } } $url = $product->getLink(); $img = $product->getCover($product->id); if ($img['id_image'] > 0) { $image = $link->getImageLink($product->link_rewrite,$product->id . '-' . $img['id_image'],'large'); } else { $image = ""; } $price = Product::getPriceStatic($product->id, true, NULL, 6); if (isset(Product::$_taxCalculationMethod) && Product::$_taxCalculationMethod == PS_TAX_INC) { $price = Tools::ps_round($price,2); } else { $price = round($price,2); } $line['manufacturer'] = ak_clean($product->manufacturer_name); $line['name'] = ak_clean($product->name); $line['category'] = ak_clean($category); $line['product_url'] = ak_clean($url); $line['price'] = $price; $line['image_url'] = ak_clean($image); $line['description'] = ak_clean($product->description,false); $line['ean13'] = ak_clean($product->ean13,false); $line['upc'] = ak_clean($product->upc,false); $line['reference'] = ak_clean($product->reference,false); $line['supplier_reference'] = ak_clean($product->supplier_reference,false); $line['currency'] = $currency->iso_code; $line['stock'] = $product->quantity; $line['delivery_price'] = ak_get_delivery_price($price, $product->weight, $id_zone, $id_carrier, $carrierTax, $carrier); $line['weight'] = $product->weight; if (!AK_CHECK_STOCK_CONST || ((Configuration::get('PS_STOCK_MANAGEMENT') || $product->quantity > 0) && $product->available_for_order)) { $data[] = $line; } } ak_csv_export($data); } catch (Exception $e) { ak_error("Caught exception: " . $e->getMessage()); } function ak_get_delivery_price($price, $weight, $id_zone, $id_carrier, $carrierTax, $carrier) { $shipping_cost = 984.25; $configuration = Configuration::getMultiple(array('PS_SHIPPING_FREE_PRICE', 'PS_SHIPPING_HANDLING', 'PS_SHIPPING_METHOD', 'PS_SHIPPING_FREE_WEIGHT')); if (isset($configuration['PS_SHIPPING_FREE_PRICE']) && $price >= $configuration['PS_SHIPPING_FREE_PRICE']) { return "FREE"; } if (isset($configuration['PS_SHIPPING_FREE_WEIGHT']) && $weight >= (float)($configuration['PS_SHIPPING_FREE_WEIGHT']) && (float)($configuration['PS_SHIPPING_FREE_WEIGHT']) > 0) { return "FREE"; } if ($carrier->getShippingMethod() == Carrier::SHIPPING_METHOD_WEIGHT) { if ($weight > 0) { $shipping_cost += $carrier->getDeliveryPriceByWeight($weight, $id_zone); } else { return ""; } } else {// by price $shipping_cost += $carrier->getDeliveryPriceByPrice($price, $id_zone); } if (isset($configuration['PS_SHIPPING_HANDLING']) AND $carrier->shipping_handling) $shipping_cost += (float)($configuration['PS_SHIPPING_HANDLING']); if (isset($carrierTax)) $shipping_cost *= 1 + ($carrierTax / 100); return (float)(Tools::ps_round((float)($shipping_cost), 2)); } function ak_get_category($categoryId) { global $categories, $root, $lang; if (!isset($categories[$categoryId])) { $name = ""; $cntParents = 0; if ($categoryId != $root->id_category) { $cat = new Category($categoryId, $lang); $parents = $cat->getParentsCategories(); $cntParents = count($parents); if ($cntParents > 0) { $category = array(); foreach ($parents as $p) { $category[] = $p['name']; } $name = implode(' > ',array_reverse($category)); } } $categories[$categoryId] = array('parents' => $cntParents, 'name' => $name); } return $categories[$categoryId]; } function ak_clean($field,$filter_html = true) { if ($filter_html) { $pattern = array(); $replacement = array(); $pattern[] = "/<[^>]+>/"; $replacement[] = " "; $pattern[] = "/ +/"; $replacement[] = " "; $field = preg_replace($pattern,$replacement,$field); } $from = array('"',"\r","\n","\\"); $to = array('""',""," ",""); return str_replace($from,$to,$field); } function ak_csv_export($data) { ob_start(); $header = '"' . ENGINE_NAME . ' ' . _PS_VERSION_ . ' (v' . AK_VERSION . ') manufacturer";"name";"category";"product_url";"price";"image_url";"description";"ean13";"upc";"reference";"supplier_reference";"currency";"stock";"delivery_price";"weight"'; echo "$header\n"; foreach ($data as $line) { foreach ($line as $k => $field) { if (!empty($field)) { echo '"'; echo $field; echo '"'; } if ($k == 'weight') { echo "\n"; } else { echo ';'; } } } $filename = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'],'.php'); $length = ob_get_length(); header('HTTP/1.0 200 OK'); header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); header('Content-Type: text/csv'); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$filename}.csv"); header('Content-Encoding: identity'); header("Content-Length: $length"); ob_end_flush(); exit; } function ak_error($msg) { header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); echo "<html><head><title>Export error (" . VERSION . ")</title></head><body>"; echo "<p style=\"padding:0;margin:50px;text-align:center;font-weight:bold;\">$msg</p>"; echo "</body></html>"; flush(); exit; } ?>
  12. Hi, How can I make that on product page, when I have a feature Style, and it has 4-5 values, Style 1, Style 2, Style 3 etc. I would like to add longer content for eahy style values. So if the value of the product feature Style is Style 1, print the following: this is the first style, but if the value of the product feature Style is Style 2, print the following: this is the second style which is better then the first one, and if the value of the product feature Style is Style 3, print the followin etc. How can I make it on product page. I've tried this, but it didn't work: {if $feature.id_feature_value == 18} <p>romantikus stílus</p> {elseif $feature.id_feature_value == 19} <p>nem vintage</p> {else} <p>akármi</p> {/if}
  13. Igen azt tudom, de nem akarom az eddig 2000 terméket elölről megírni, plusz jó lenne valami automatizálás. If else esetén hogyan nézne ez ki? MIlyen változókat kellene használnom? Manufacturer ID-t?
  14. Sziasztok! Van a termék elérhetőségeknél, Szöveg mikor raktáron van, illetve amikor nincsen. Hogyan lehet azt megoldani, hogy a termékhez beállított beszállítótól függően írja ki szöveget a termék oldalon. Pl. Ha a termék beszállítója a KIS JULI, és van készleten (vagyis nem 0 a termék darabszám), akkor azt írja ki a termék oldalra automatikusan az elérhetőségi információkhoz, hogy Központi raktárról azonnal szállítható. Ha viszont KIS MARI a beszállítója a terméknek, akkor azt írja ki, hogy Külső raktárról érhető el, beszállítás 1-2 napon belül. Gondolom itt a product.tpl-t kellene vagy a php-ban beleírni a megfelelő kódot? Köszi, Gergő
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