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  1. in fact only these 2 files need to be changed: invoice.product-tab.tplinvoice.total-tab.tpl thx eleazar
  2. for your info in PS 1.7 : catalog/_partials/quickview.tpl <a href="{$product.url}">More details</a>
  3. do you have paypal module installed? it removes the voucher (cart_voucher) block. i do not know why... i have replaced id="cart_voucher" with id="cart_voucher2" in shopping-cart.tpl and it showed up again. my first tests do not give problems with vouchers + paypal so i realy do not know why paypal module removes the voucher block...
  4. hi, just for easier use when using bookmarks or browser history, you can add the tab name in the title: <title>MyShop - '.translate('Administration panel').' : '.substr($tab,5).'</title> will give you for example: MyShop - Administration panel : Shipping just my 2 cents :-)
  5. hi, i use 1.4.4 and the classes/Cart.php edit works perfect. (one remark: when you edit a carrier in the backend, it saves the edit as a new iD! so make sure to edit the ID in the code when you edited the carrier in the backend - probably this is a bug and is fixed in newer versions...) anyone has a solution for the 'free shipping voucher'? we use this kind of voucher a lot, but this should not be valid for 'express delivery option', which costs us much more... thank you
  6. don't know if it matters, but did you use capitals? ProductSale.php (not productsale.php) i have tried it back then and it worked on 1.4.1, but do not use it anymore, because the client did not want this feature anymore, so i do not know if it is still the complete solution, sorry...
  7. as posts by 'angora' disappeared and with it the solution i used, i put the solution here again: make a file called "ProductSale.php" in /override/classes/ with following code: <?php class ProductSale extends ProductSaleCore { // called for each product contained within an order, when an order's status is marked 'logable' (aka verified/paid) static public function addProductSale($product_id, $qty = 1) { $goober = Db::getInstance()->Execute(' INSERT INTO '._DB_PREFIX_.'product_sale (`id_product`, `quantity`, `sale_nbr`, `date_upd`) VALUES ('.(int)($product_id).', '.(float)($qty).', 1, NOW()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `quantity` = `quantity` + '.(float)($qty).', `sale_nbr` = `sale_nbr` + 1, `date_upd` = NOW()' ); // check remaining product quantity subsequent to the sale transaction and, if sold out, set product.active=0 (aka disabled/draft, does not display in catalog) $smurf = Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT `quantity` from `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` WHERE `id_product` = '.(int)$product_id); if ($smurf <= 0 ) { Db::getInstance()->Execute('UPDATE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` SET `active` ='. (int)0 .' WHERE `id_product` = '.(int)$product_id); } return $goober; } } ?> that worked for me on 1.4
  8. hi, i'm working on some export functions to get my order info into my accounting software it would be nice if i can get the total price of the order excluding VAT on my shop, all prices are shown including 21% VAT in the 'ps_orders' table, there is a column 'total_products' which should give me the total amount of products (so without transport) excluding tax. 'total_products_wt' gives me correct numbers including tax (what customer payed) but i get very strange numbers in this column ie: total_products_wt: 414.00 (correct price including 21%) total_products: 342.20 (should be 414/1.21=342.15) or: total_products_wt: 100 (correct =price including 21%) total_products: 83 (should be 100/1.21=82.64) the difference is to much to be just a rounding problem, right? i do not use any discount prices or attribute prices (only color that has no effect on price) if i check classes/Order.php, i can not see a problem (but maybe i'm looking in the wrong place) i searched the whole forum, but did not find anyone else with this problem (maybe nobody has looked into the database?) can someone check this, and does anyone have a solution? thank you!
  9. i know it is not the best solution, but it is better than giving the user no option at all, and it is easy... you could put a link or button underneath the address info in shopping cart .tpl that says: 'incorrect address? restart! (you will need to add products to cart again)' and send this link to: /index.php?mylogout the user will be directed to the homepage and can start over. all old addresses will be cleared. (emptying the cart and deleting the cache will not have any effect, only the logout function will)
  10. check http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/67536-solved-load-category-name-and-product-name-in-header/ it worked for me on 1.4.4 (see post #14) good luck
  11. check http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/67536-solved-load-category-name-and-product-name-in-header/ i got the open graph meta tags working in the header that way (see my post there #14) good luck!
  12. sorry, i put in override/controllers instead of override/classes (confusing because of name frontcontroller) now it works. but if you want to get the cover image, you need to add code from post above (and add self:: before smarty assign) so after: if (Validate::isLoadedObject($product)) self::$smarty->assign('product_name', $product->name); place: $images = $product->getImages(intval($cookie->id_lang)); foreach ($images AS $k => $image) { if ($image['cover']) { $cover = $image; $cover['id_image'] = intval($product->id).'-'.$cover['id_image']; $cover['id_image_only'] = intval($image['id_image']); } } if (!isset($cover)) $cover = array('id_image' => Language::getIsoById($cookie->id_lang).'-default', 'legend' => 'No picture', 'title' => 'No picture'); self::$smarty->assign('cover', $cover); and in header.tpl: {if isset($product_name)}<meta property="og:image" content="{$link->getImageLink($product->link_rewrite, $cover.id_image, 'list')}" />{/if} it gives you: <meta property="og:image" content="http://easypeas.be/173-list/.jpg" /> but that is a valid image hope this will help
  13. this does not work when using seo-friendly URL's, only when using product.php?id_product=xx does someone have any idea how to get this to work with sep-friendly urls? thank you
  14. thank you angora! this works perfectly, just by putting 1 file in 1 folder... i tested it, and it works
  15. i like this approach... if you add this line at the place where the stock gets changed, this would work automatically! is that classes/StockMvt.php ? or somewhere else?
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