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About fernandokerber

  • Birthday 07/18/1988

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  1. I have a suggestion! Instead of showing the payments methods just AFTER user saving the address, prestashop should show some "unable" payment logo, and turn it on only after saving address. Before saving the address the client should see the payment logos in black & white or something like that...... what do you think? PS: my suggestion doesn't discard the translating idea.
  2. Seria bastante interessante, confesso que nunca vi tal módulo funcionando, pode citar alguns sites que tem esta ferramenta? Após redirecionar o cliente para o banco, o cliente tem que efetuar login e alguns sites utilizam leitora de cartões, plugins e etc, será que funcionaria bem?
  3. olá pessoal. ainda não encontrei nenhum módulo relacionado a pagamento e correios que funcione na versão 1.5 não existe nada? estou procurando pagSeguro e frete Correios, posso ajudar a desenvolver caso alguém esteja tentando abraço!
  4. hi! I need some help here. I want to put an hyphen ( "-" ) between the post code. Here in Brazil our post code format is xxxxx-xxx In the country options, I set "Zip/post code format" to "NNNNN-NNN" But in my shipping address the number appears like NNNNNNNN. Without the hyphen.... Any help? I have other problem, I need to separate the City name from the State name wth a bar ( "/" ). How could I do that? I attached an image to ilustrate my issue. Thanks in advance.
  5. hi folks. I'm having a big problem with my Ajax cart functions. When I click for the very first time in any "add to cart" , it takes over 10 seconds to add the product to the cart. The second, third and all the next times I click in "add to cart" it takes about 1 or 2 seconds.. How should I solve this? When I install a fresh version of prestashop, it looks like quicker. But after making some visual changes and adding some modules it happens what I said. I tried to reinstall my shop 3 times but this always happens when I'm almost finishing it. I was thinking about to make a "ajax" call with a "ghost" product before the customer clicks in "add to cart". This ghost call should be called when the customer open the site. So when he try to add hist first product to the cart, the ajax call should be faster And now? PS: I have my CCC, force compile and cache settings configured to improve the performance.
  6. hi.. strange problem.. using version 1.4.8 i cant access the mail alerts module I tried to install a new fresh version and another one from this forum without success any help? thanks in advance
  7. i have the same problem using 1.4.8 any ideas on how to fix this?
  8. hi i've never seen an online store without this function. How can we do this with prestashop? thanks
  9. Hi I have this code in my LikeALot facebook plugin. {if $product} <meta property="og:title" content="{$product.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}"/> <meta property="og:type" content="product"/> <meta property="og:image" content="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'home')}"/> <meta property="og:description" content="descricao."/> <meta property="og:url" content="http://{$smarty.server.HTTP_HOST}{$smarty.server.REQUEST_URI}"/> {/if} This code puts into og:image the address of the product cover image. But how can i set the og:image pointing to the secod product image?
  10. The solution in post #19 is working like a charm! http://www.prestashop.com/forums/index.php?/topic/96085-rollover-image-in-product-list/page__view__findpost__p__895767
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