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  1. arial is not available by default as far as i know you should use as "font" dejavusans or freesans, try to replace one or two "arial" matches in PDF.php with the fonts I mentioned, it could probably start working. however, i'm out of home for 2 days for work. will catch ya later hopefully
  2. can't forget to mention, besides the file modifications, also mysql modification is necessary! If you want to add "field1" field into the registration form, keep on mind you need to have "field1" field added to your mysql database as well. As prestashop is storing/loading all these details form the database. Say, you're using mysql database called "prestadb" If you have shell access to mysql, use following commands: (now mysql will ask you for your password, enter it) opens "prestadb" database creates "field1" field in ps_address table gets you outta mysql Could be helpful for somebody...
  3. thanks a lot, hints provided in this thread were quite useful. I've managed to create my own fields in registration form (still being able to update/modify them from customer's point of view and back office as well) and use values from these fields in pdf invoice. I can confirm that files needed to be modified are: 1. .../prestashop/classes/Address.php 2. .../prestashop/adminXXX/tabs/AdminAddresses.php 3. .../prestashop/themes/prestashop/address.tpl 4. .../prestashop/themes/prestashop/authentification.tpl 5. and your pdf template Tested on PrestaShop!
  4. spent the day playing with that... still getting this error: Strict Standards: Declaration of PDF_PageGroupCore::_beginpage() should be compatible with that of TCPDF::_beginpage() in /home/*my_user*/*my_website*/_/classes/PDF.php on line 31 Strict Standards: Declaration of PDF_PageGroupCore::StartPageGroup() should be compatible with that of TCPDF::startPageGroup() in /home/*my_user*/*my_website*/_/classes/PDF.php on line 31 TCPDF ERROR: Some data has already been output, can't send PDF file Any help appreciated! Thanks
  5. working on the update for Should anyone have it earlier, don't be shy to share
  6. Vychadzam len z toho ze, VAT je predsa DPH, teda VAT Number (Value Added Tax = Dan z pridanej hodnoty) bude zadavany len ked je niekto platcom DPH. Nemusi byt na fakture potom napisany aj popis? "VAT Number: ........" alebo "IC DPH: ........." Staci ked bude pod adresou proste spomenute cislo SK5050505050 ? Staci to danovej kontrole? Z toho sa odvija dalsia otazka, ked budem zadavat DIC do VAT Number, nebude to zase vadit danovej kontrole ? V pripade ze tam nebude ziadna kolonka ako DIC: alebo IC DPH: to aspon nie je zavadzajuce, ale staci to ? Tax ID je podla mna DIC, Tax musi byt spojene s danou, ICO by malo byt Company ID... Ty to mas vyriesene teda tak ze si prepisal to DNI ze to je ICO a ci uz DIC alebo IC DPH davas do VAT Number bez popisu ci sa jedna o DIC alebo IC DPH (mne je jasne, ze bud tam je SK predtym alebo nie) ale ci to je dostatocne aj pre danovy urad este ma napada, ze ked predavam firme do rakuska napriklad, ale nejsu platcami dph, tak mi mozu poslat akurat tak ich DIC a nie DPH, tak aby system rozpoznal ze DPH fakturovat v tomto pripade. No, som trocha zmateny v tomto vdaka
  7. Tiez sa tym zaoberam prave. Horsie je, ze na Slovensku potrebujeme: IČ DPH - identifikacne číslo DPH (ak je subjekt platcom DPH) DIČ - daňove identifikačné číslo (ak je podnikatelsky subjekt neplatnom DPH, napr zivnostnik) IČO - potrebuje ho každy podnikatelsky subjekt Teda potrebujeme tam mat teoreticky 3 kolonky, lenze je to dopletene podla mna uz v samotnom preklade - anglickom, a tym sa len nabaluje ten humbuk. Takze otazka znie, ako toto vyriesit? V sucastnosti mi funguje IC DPH - VAT Number, a vzasade aj DIČ - Tax ID. IČO zatial nemam. pri DIČ sa mi na fakture objavi DIČ: XXXXXXXXXX ale pri IČ DPH sa mi zobrazi len SKXXXXXXXXXX - co asi nedostacuje pre nase danove zakony .... Mate niekto napady ako sa v tomto smere pohnut dalej? Dakujem
  8. go to admin backend, then Payment / Currencies / Choose EUR Currency / Click the edit button, then change "Symbol" from € to EUR and Apply.
  9. alright, lately got working all special characters. The last thing why it didn't work in my case was pdf reader, I used default one in OSX, which didn't decode it properly.... adobe reader does it perfectly. All the special characters work with freesans and dejavusans (including all subtypes of dejavusans, as for instance dejavusanscondensed) Result: everything, but € sign works...
  10. kozminproregular font is good for chinese as long as I know ...
  11. I can agree on that, € sign is not working, but you can still replace it by EUR
  12. Chinese should work right after applying those files attached earlier on version
  13. what language/characters do you need? you know, fonts for the TCPDF have to be changed in ...classes/PDF.php, not from the webadmin...
  14. below is quoted my post from the other thread... files.zip
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