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About imperator

  • Birthday 04/08/1987

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  1. I solved by myself 😀 Edit themes/default-bootstrap/js/modules/blocktopmenu/js/blocktopmenu.js and add line below in function function mobileInit() { categoryMenu.superfish('destroy'); $('.sf-menu').removeAttr('style'); // ADD THIS LINE $(".sf-contener .cat-title").toggleClass('active').parent().find('ul.menu-content').stop().slideToggle('medium');
  2. How can I keep main top menu expanded (only for first categories of menu) in mobile view ? (PS 1.6)
  3. What's the point of default settings for NO ? Why i should write a message which I don't want send to customer ?? And in code above is bug. You shouldn't change value 1 to 0, only change checked...
  4. Why someone want to buy as a guest if have a registered account ? I turned off a buy as guest for duplicating customers... I wonder that this bug is in 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 version a no one tracked it and solved it...
  5. Today I found that I have products with same name and same name of picture (about 15...) but have own features, categories etc. Last days I editing a products - open tens of tabs with products edit page -> change name of picture, add attachment...save...move to next opened tab (product) and do the same... Can one name of product stuck in "some cache" and then saved in other products ? I don't know if it is bug or not - but I edit every product one by one in future to avoid that...
  6. I have same problem with I disable "checkout as guest" which is take same time as "registration" but without setting password Someone find a solution ? There is quite enough posts to solving that.
  7. Ok I got it. I put a <li> before <select class="select form-control".... in line 128 and before <label> {l s='Range:' mod='blocklayered'}.... in line 145 And now is category page with filter html valid
  8. Hello, thanks for answer, yes i found it it is "range" in filter in blocklayered.tpl in themes/modules {if $filter.filter_type == 0} <label for="{$filter.type}"> {l s='Range:' mod='blocklayered'} </label> <span id="layered_{$filter.type}_range"></span> <div class="layered_slider_container"> <div class="layered_slider" id="layered_{$filter.type}_slider" data-type="{$filter.type}" data-format="{$filter.format}" data-unit="{$filter.unit}"></div> </div> and in "select" filter {else} <select class="select form-control" {if $filter.filter_show_limit > 1}multiple="multiple" size="{$filter.filter_show_limit}"{/if}> <option value="">{l s='No filters' mod='blocklayered'}</option> {foreach from=$filter.values key=id_value item=value} {if $value.nbr || !$hide_0_values} <option {if isset($value.color)}style="color:{$value.color}"{/if} id="layered_{$filter.type_lite}{if $id_value || $filter.type == 'quantity'}_{$id_value}{/if}" value="{$id_value}_{$filter.id_key}" {if isset($value.checked) && $value.checked}selected="selected"{/if} {if !$value.nbr}disabled="disabled"{/if}> {$value.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{if $layered_show_qties} ({$value.nbr}){/if} </option> {/if} {/foreach} </select> but this code is generated inside foreach where is <ul> in begining...
  9. Hello, I use presta and don't know wheter i use the right thread but i wanto to try a html valide code. I'm quite success but product filter consist of <ul> items and validator show me these results : Element label not allowed as child of element ul in this context. (<label for="price">) Element span not allowed as child of element ul in this context. (<span id="layered_price_range">) Element div not allowed as child of element ul in this context. (<div class="layered_slider_container">) Element select not allowed as child of element ul in this context. (<select class="select form-control" >) The value of the for attribute of the label element must be the ID of a non-hidden form control. (<label for="price">) There is quite complex code for this filter in blocklayered.tpl. Someone try to rewrite code for html validity ? Many thanks
  10. Zdravím, scrollovanie v threade je brutálne trhané pod Safari 11.0.3 a High Sierra napr tento odkaz https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/375707-prestashop-performance-tips-compilation/ Zaujimave je ze ked ho otvorim pod InPrivate oknom tak to nerobí Tusim chrome to nerobi tiez. Rad by som ale pristupoval cez safari neviete co s tym ?
  11. Báť sa môžte - využívajú to spam boti - používajú modul poslať mailom odporúčanie produktu známemu - pokiaľ tam nenainštalujete capchu tak to môže posielať aj od vás a dostanete sa akorát na blacklist - pozor deaktivácia modulu tomu nezamedzí je potrebné ho úplne zmazať
  12. I try my shop and demo back office in prestashop official page and it is same http://i.imgur.com/3HYDn0J.png No payment methods are available - Shouldn`t be there a payment method which have been choosen by customer ? I alowed all payment methods for my country, currency etc. and no effect.
  13. Hm...pravdepodobne na to nie je asi nejaky jednoduchy navod (napr - prekopiruj len iste tabulky do novej presty - alebo tak ) a pravdepodobne ak by aj bol tak by ste mi ho tu nepisali kedze to je vas biznis ako pozeram co chapem... mozno keby som od vas nejake moduly zakupil tak by ste sa na to mrkli - chcem sa opytat mate modul - export pre heureku ? (plati sa nieco na heureke aby som tam mohol byt ako predajca a pridat svoje xmlko ? ) rovnako sa chcem opytat ci na platobny modul ten vseobecny tusim card pay je potrebne mat aj ucet tusim v tatrabanke alebo to nie je potrebne... mate aj modul na faktury a dodacie listy ? (asi nejaka moznost na prepojenie s uctovnictvom tam nie je ci ? )
  14. Dobry den, po dlhsej dobe som sa prisiel pozriet co je nove na prestashope a vidim ze sa slusne posunul dopredu...zaujimalo by ma ako razantne sa menila struktura...a ci je mozne nejak jednoducho nahodit udaje z 1.2.4 na najnovsi 1.6 alebo to jedine rucne ponahadzovat...a rovnako aj klientov a ich prihlasovacie udaje... dakujem
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