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Rubens Cury

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  1. Hi Simonas, I do absolutely understand every Validation Team's efforts regarding attempts to respond all that "100 daily submissions". However, I believe that criticism could help them make this process a little bit more effective, for example by setting validation steps, improving the development guides tutorials according their Validation Tool, etc. I'm not saying my module was absolutely right since first submitting, but taking more than a week to get a simple "Technical Declined" message, most of the times require more detail from our developers side, and even after fixing the "errors" you must to do the whole process again and their Validation Tool is constantly changed generating a lots of errors and reworks. I've followed every single PS Developer Tutorial steps during the whole module developing process, but when I try to validate, they require much more than their tutorials requires. It's complicated.
  2. Hi, I'd like to share with this community my disappointment with the whole Prestashop Module Validation Process. Starting from the Prestashop Validation Tool in which requires a lots of fixes that not follow the exact instructions described on "Creating a PrestaShop module" tutorials. Beyond that, the the validation team's response time is extremely slow which makes the validation adjusts inefficient. Rubens
  3. I need that regardless of the payment module that is installed and in use, my module should be able to handle the Payment Return (or similar) process that brings the return of the payment transaction and retrieve only specific values in which may can be obtained through the Query Url / Post / Etc. No matter what module is working on the Payment process, once the user set on the module's configuration the specific values he wants to monitor, my module should be able to try to get them looking up the query url or post and if they have found, store them. At the beginning I thought to use hooks, installing "hookDisplayPaymentReturn" on my module, but I noticed this hook is just executed once by the activated payment module. Later, I got a suggesting to execute my actions through OrderConfirmationController, putting a call right after this line return Hook::exec('displayPaymentReturn', $params, $this->id_module); into displayPaymentReturn function. Prestashop says here http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/Overriding+default+behaviors that Overrides are forbidden in partners modules. Anybody?
  4. Hi, I'm trying to install a "hookPaymentReturn" on my module in order to get some specifics parameter values returned by any other payment module that could be executed. I can see my module hook in ps_hook_module table at 2 position, the activated payment module executes its own hookDisplayPaymentReturn, but the one I've installed is not being executed. The hooks are not only executed once right? What I'm doing wrong? Thanks
  5. Solved including submitFormAjax=1 url parameter. Forms not display properly in liteDisplaying mode without submitFormAjax parameter.
  6. Hi, I'm getting an JS saying "youEditFieldFor is not defined" when load a form content into a fancybox using liteDisplaying = 1. Any idea how to fix it?
  7. Value returned by formatNumber and formatCurrency JS funcions: formatNumber(1234567.56, 2, ',', '.') "1,234,567.56" formatNumber(-1234567.56, 2, ',', '.') "-1234567.56" formatCurrency(1234567.56, 1, 'U$', '') "U$1,234,567.56" formatCurrency(-1234567.56, 1, 'U$', '') "U$-1234567.56" Notice that negative values are not formatted correctly and both are losing the thousand separator. May I'm doing something wrong?! Thanks Rubens M Cury
  8. Dear Mr. El Patron, I just try to collaborate with this forum (and I'm doing that); Check - and prove - yourself how many posts are in this forum without any interaction; I never disrespected anyone in this forum. Quite the opposite; I will report your warning simply because I see no reasons for that and also because you are not doing that properly; I dispense to know what is your favorite songs about anything. For this purpose, I suggest you to create a Soundcloud account. Thank you Mr El Patron.
  9. This forum would be MUCH BETTER if everyone REALLY tried to help each other. I posted this question at the beginning of March and haven't had any help yet. Btw, the solution is right follows below. 1. Edit a Prestashop product by clinking on IMAGES tab to see how does it work. 2. Then take a look these files to figure out how to do yours. Just seek by the methods, copy and do some adjusts to them. controllers\admin\AdminProductsController.php admin1234\themes\default\template\controllers\products\images.tpl admin1234\themes\default\template\controllers\products\attachments.tpl admin1234\themes\default\template\controllers\products\helpers\uploader\*.* Good Luck @ggyyvv
  10. I'm was getting trouble sometimes when I defined explicitSelect as true. I decided to investigate the code to try to figure out what I should do different or if anything was not working properly... What I concluded is that the first foreach condition commented by "// Add it only if it is not already in $this->_select" is not doing the right validation to "decide" when skipping to next field_list or not. If you wonder a select string that contains a column like SELECT CONCAT(column_one, column_two) AS column_formatted (...) you going to notice that if explicitSelect is set true, these foreach conditions will amiss consider that columns one and two are already in $this->_select. It's not true. That columns are not there. They are a part of an expression. Well... the problem is that by doing this conditional code mistake, what is going to happen is that this line "$this->_listsql = rtrim($this->_listsql, ',');" will add a comma separating a blank space from the rest of columns and you going to get a Bad SQL error. Example: SELECT , column_abc, columns_xpt (...) AdminController.php if ($this->explicitSelect) { foreach ($this->fields_list as $key => $array_value) { // Add it only if it is not already in $this->_select if (isset($this->_select) && preg_match('/[\s]`?'.preg_quote($key, '/').'`?\s*,/', $this->_select)) continue; if (isset($array_value['filter_key'])) $this->_listsql .= str_replace('!', '.', $array_value['filter_key']).' as '.$key.','; elseif ($key == 'id_'.$this->table) $this->_listsql .= 'a.`'.bqSQL($key).'`,'; elseif ($key != 'image' && !preg_match('/'.preg_quote($key, '/').'/i', $this->_select)) $this->_listsql .= '`'.bqSQL($key).'`,'; } $this->_listsql = rtrim($this->_listsql, ','); } else $this->_listsql .= ($this->lang ? 'b.*,' : '').' a.*';
  11. Is there anybody who could please say something about this experience? I consider this post important for PrestaShop interface.
  12. I've noticed when we cancel any record editing, the page always back preserving any last confirmation previously displayed on the List. I think this behavior is not right... once the user got any confirmation it shouldn't be displayed again. The core, maintains the confirmation till user post anything else. How to simulate: Go to Customers; Inactivate any customer; You should get a confirmation like "The status has been successfully updated."; Click button Edit to start editing any Customer; Click footer button Cancel to cancel editing; The confirmation message ("The status has been successfully updated") will be there again. So... even we don't post anything else, we should not see this confirmation again. That's what I understand, specially because you might could close that confirmation message by clicking X into the banner.
  13. Hi Chrims, Yea, you must do a registerHook once the "module's install" is successfully completed. Do something like that public function install() { if (!parent::install() || !$this->installModuleTab() || !$this->installModuleDb() || !$this->registerHook('displayBackOfficeHeader') || !Configuration::updateValue('MYMODULE_NAME', 'CustomName') ) return false; return true; }
  14. That's what I was imagining. Thank you @razaro
  15. Hi, I've been created my custom core override located in mymodule\controllers\admin\AdminOrdersController.php as following: class AdminOrdersController extends AdminOrdersControllerCore { public function postProcess() { d('text1'); parent::postProcess(); } } It works pretty well when I install my module, and also - it has been removed - when I uninstall my module. The problem is that if do any change, it does not reflect to the override file in root\override\controllers\admin\AdminOrdersController.php Should I really have to manually update this file whenever I want to change something? Just in case, yes, I already tried unsuccessful to delete the cache\class_index.php Thank you Rubens Cury
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