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Community Answers

  1. same problem about parameters file not created in this thread: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/562023-ps-1700-rc2-wont-install-create-file-parameters/ - you will find answers there too.
  2. There is nothing about the problem in server/sys/php logs I have open_basedir disabled for all php versions on the server PHP can access /dev/urandom file
  3. @Antonio, This discussion is NOT related to issues caused by random generator exception. If you would read my previous post you would know that I use PHP7 but it does not solve the problem. I have manage to install PS1.7 but I get Internal Server Error on the admin login page. FO works normally.
  4. OK, so... in my case the problem with ZipArchive has been solved by installing Libzip library. And now I was able to install PS 1.7 RC3. BUT..... only front-end works. When I try to go to the admin login page (www.mydomain.com/admin) I get Internal Server Error message. The server log files as apache/php/syslog says nothing about what possibly happened.... After changing PHP from 7 (running as CGI) to 5.4/5.5/5.6 (running as Apache2 module) - USING THE SAME SERVER/PHP CONFIGURATION as when using PHP7 - I came back to well known issue about parameters file is not being created. Good job devs!
  5. Well... to this time I tried php 5.5 and 5.6 Now I changed to php 7.0.10 on my server. And have this error message right away: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'ZipArchive' not found in /var/www/web-owner/data/www/mydomain.com/classes/Language.php:996 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/web-owner/data/www/mydomain.com/classes/Language.php(942): LanguageCore::installSfLanguagePack('en-US', Array) #1 /var/www/web-owner/data/www/mydomain.com/install/controllers/http/welcome.php(55): LanguageCore::downloadAndInstallLanguagePack('en', '', NULL, false) #2 /var/www/web-owner/data/www/mydomain.com/install/classes/controllerHttp.php(256): InstallControllerHttpWelcome->process() #3 /var/www/web-owner/data/www/mydomain.com/install/index.php(39): InstallControllerHttp::execute() #4 {main} thrown in /var/www/web-owner/data/www/mydomain.com/classes/Language.php on line 996 I dont get it. ZipArchive PHP module is enabled and loaded. From phpinfo: ZLib Version 1.2.7 Stream Filter zlib.inflate, zlib.deflate Compiled Version 1.2.7 zlib.output_compression On zlib.output_compression_level -1 Registered Stream Filters zlib.*, bzip2.*, convert.iconv.*, string.rot13, string.toupper, string.tolower, string.strip_tags, convert.*, consumed, dechunk, mcrypt.*, mdecrypt.*
  6. @Rho_bur, Thanks for the link. It doesnt help me much. I have all those components already installed on my server. I have been using PS for almost 4 years now. My stores has served almost 45K customers during this time. I own my own VPS instances on my private server on which I host about 60 various websites. Most of them are ecommerse sites. My server is not cheap machine from randomly chosen hoster. It is custom designed web server based on Debian distro. Server configuration is well proven. I never had such issues with any other web based application as I have with PS1.7 now. Yes, I do understand it is RC2 and not final version. But I am not a newbie. PS1.7 doesn't install on the production server on which I had sucessfully installed tons of web projects during last 4 years. Whats more seems that I am not alone with this issue. And you guys are not even interested to find out what possibly causes this (critical) issue. Sorry devs, but your PS1.7 RC2 SUCKS.
  7. It doesnt help me much. I have all those components already installed on my server but RC2 wont install.
  8. hello... PS team,,,, 114 views and not even one post from devs..?
  9. Small update. I,ve tried PHP 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6 on my Debian VPS. Problem stays same. The parameters.php file is not created on the server and the installation proces stops. I also tried previous RC1 version but it gives me same error.
  10. Yes it was PHP on the server. My VPS panel lets me choose PHP version. I changed PHP from 5.6 to 5.5 and its ok now. Thanks But I have other problem now: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/562023-ps-1700-rc2-wont-install-create-file-parameters/
  11. 1700RC2, newly downloaded, installation failed on next step after the database connection. It says 'Create file parameters' in red and the installation proces stops. Dev mode is enabled but there is no log files in app/logs/ folder. How can I know what stops the installator?
  12. RC2 wont install. I got blank screen. After I enabled DEV mode to see the errors I got this message on installation path (www.mydomain.com/install) Fatal error: Class 'ZipArchive' not found in /var/www/web-owner/data/www/mydomain.com/classes/Language.php on line 979 I tried to delete and reupload all the files to the server but the problem remains.
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