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About Static

  • Birthday 10/22/1970

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    NSW, Australia

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  1. Thanks for the response and the link Does the Europe version work in Australia? I am currently looking into Skrill... looks like the fee's might be cheaper than Paypal
  2. Hi I have been away for a while As the title asks... Is Prestashop boycotting Paypal now? Why is the free Paypal gateway no longer included with Prestashop?
  3. Update Ezytrader site has been upgraded to v1.3.2.1 All themes have been upgraded to v1.3.2.1 There wasn't a lot of changed in the themes between and If you have a 1.3.1 version, you could probably just get away with upgrading the language folder and the search.tpl in your themes folder. Static
  4. Update The pro themes now have a demo page
  5. *update* The rest of the themes have now been converted to 1.3 budget themes et-computer-store et-beauty-shop et-jewelry-store Pro themes et-auto-shop et-beauty-company I still have to set up a test server to upgrade the beauty-company wordpress theme v3
  6. Hi all - Update - read the 4th post - My site was running on v1.1 so i rebuilt it on the new version (v1.3.1) I started from scratch with the database (but i still have access to the old one for referring back to orders), so if you were already a member you will have to rejoin... sorry The two free themes - "et-clean-blue" and "et-black" have been updated to 1.3.1 The budget pro theme "et-blueglass" as used on my site has been updated to 1.3.1 All other old and new themes will be added once they are converted to the latest version. The module et-jukebox is working on the latest version. If you have any questions you can contact me on my site at Ezytrader
  7. Hi Yes that is the correct line to modify. To change it, just follow the code below... {l s='Blog'} As above... just right the file or folder name straight after {$base_dir} {$base_dir} is obviously the base or root directory of the shop. the sub folder does not need the forward slash ( / ) infront of the folder name. Static
  8. Hi Alex I tested it in wordpress 2.8.4 and it works fine... probably just need to double check the directory structure of the theme or the site. Static
  9. Hi Alex What version of Wordpress are you using? Static
  10. Hi Due to a minor change between and the latest the categories will not show when on a product page I am in the process of updating my themes, but while i am doing so... if you are using the latest and wish to use the ezytrader themes then just rename the themes in the themes directory without the dashes. e.g. et-cleanblue changed to etcleanblue For some reason the new PS version hates dashes in the name Hope this helps Static
  11. Hi Seems they have made some shanges again between the final release and easy to fix... just rename the theme et-cleanblue to etcleanblue Seems the newest version hates all dashes in the name now Static
  12. Please note: I do not offer free upgrades on the "Pro" or "Budget Pro" themes I have made some exceptions with themes bought within 2 weeks prior to the 1.2 final release, but buying a theme does not automatically include free upgrades. I believe there is enough information on the forum to upgrade your existing themes yourself. Static
  13. Hard to tell without playing with the full theme Maybe have it as "one" image set as a background in the #page div positioned bottom center then make the module blocks transparent or semi-transparent Static
  14. Hi Martin Please email me through my site Static
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