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  1. Salut, Pouvez-vous appliquer ces modifications à PS 1.6? Merci!
  2. Moi aussi, certains produits continuent d'être désapprouvé... Google est insatiable! Je vais essayer la Beta , merci!!
  3. Je pense que vous avez créé une condition qui empêche les structured data initiales du produit sont chargées s'il y a des combinaisons. Pouvez-vous partager ce morceau de product.tpl? Merci!!
  4. Thank you, I am in the same boat. The merchant from the above link got it by just adding the table with combinations. I need time to include a proper schema markup to the table and keep trying. I can't afford to leave 40% of my products out of Google Shopping.
  5. Hi, Did you find a solution for this? I am trying this, no success yet: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/517703-d%C3%A9clinaisons-google-shopping-structured-data/ Thanks!
  6. Dans mon cas EAN13 pour les combinaisons ne se présentent pas. Avez-vous eu à faire quoi que ce soit pour les utiliser?
  7. Hi, I've reported the bug at the Forge: http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCSX-7056
  8. https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/474524-problem-in-images-display-on-product-pages-in-prestashop-1612rc3/ Same problem here. Please move this topic so this possible bug is not lost.
  9. Same problem, did you solve it somehow? Thanks
  10. @statictic I don't see the need for a canonical by default in page 2, 3, ... Perhaps it should only come up when sorting queries kick in (orderby, orderway, ...) ? By the way really looking forward to your module! Please make it compatible with 1.4.x
  11. Hola schacker, te cuento: este código funciona perfectamente si se añade a pagination.tpl, pero en header.tpl da errores (que es donde lo quiere Google, antes de </head>). {if $start!=$stop} {if $p != 1} {assign var='p_previous' value=$p-1} <link rel="prev" href="/{$request_uri|substr:1|regex_replace:'/\/(.*)/':''|regex_replace:'/\?(.*)/':''}/{$link->goPage($requestPage, $p_previous)}" /> {else} {/if} {if $pages_nb > 1 AND $p != $pages_nb} {assign var='p_next' value=$p+1} <link rel="next" href="/{$request_uri|substr:1|regex_replace:'/\/(.*)/':''|regex_replace:'/\?(.*)/':''}/{$link->goPage($requestPage, $p_next)}" /> {else} {/if} {/if} Entiendo que el problema es que las variables de paginación todavía no están disponibles, y supongo que hay que hacer un override para que estén disponibles en el header. Pero no domino lo suficiente y no se como hacerlo. Imagino también que el problema es con 1.4.x, porqué a los que les funciona seguro que ya están en 1.5.x y por lo que sea las variables están disponibles. Gracias por interesarte!
  12. Well, it looks like this may be the problem: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9565637/prestashop-variables-not-accessible-in-header-tpl-category-class-not-availabl So far I've been trying to override FrontController.php by adding the pagination variables to function displayHeader(), but I doesn't show any results (no errors though). Any help will be greatly appreciated!
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