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  1. Hi @El Patron, is this module still available for prestashop 1.6 ? I cant find it. Thx
  2. You saved me Simone Salerno. I could not belived that in the multistore you cannot set different invoice numbers based on shop id. PS team did not added this not even in 1.7
  3. I also looking for this. Something like this: From BO select or create customer, address After that click to import order from csv file Csv with 2 column (product reference and qty) Easy peasy lemon squeezy
  4. This is working for prestashop 1.6.1.x It will correct the price from product page if group discount applies and product has combination. Modify from themes the product.js find around line 680 basePriceWithTax = basePriceWithTax + +combination.price * (taxRate/100 + 1) and replace with basePriceWithTax = basePriceWithTax + +combination.price * (taxRate/100 + 1) * (1 - groupReduction); and few lines bellow find basePriceWithTax = +combination.specific_price.price * (taxRate/100 + 1) and replace with basePriceWithTax = +combination.specific_price.price * (taxRate/100 + 1) * (1 - groupReduction); It worked for me. Regards Jon
  5. My first topic, hope will help somebody. Usage: For websites with more that one language. This modification will assing the language id (into ps_newsletter table) used by customers when they subscribe through block newsletter. One file to modify in modules/blocknewsletter/blocknewsletter.php 1. after: id_shop` INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT \'1\', add: `language` INTEGER UNSIGNED NULL, 2. replace: $sql = 'INSERT INTO '._DB_PREFIX_.'newsletter (id_shop, id_shop_group, email, newsletter_date_add, ip_registration_newsletter, http_referer, active) VALUES ('.$this->context->shop->id.', '.$this->context->shop->id_shop_group.', \''.pSQL($email).'\', NOW(), with: $sql = 'INSERT INTO '._DB_PREFIX_.'newsletter (id_shop, id_shop_group, language, email, newsletter_date_add, ip_registration_newsletter, http_referer, active) VALUES ('.$this->context->shop->id.', '.$this->context->shop->id_shop_group.', '.$this->context->language->id.', \''.pSQL($email).'\', NOW(), 3. add language column in ps_newsletter ALTER TABLE `ps_newsletter` ADD `language` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL Done!
  6. Same problem here like XavierPN also on version No viable solution found.
  7. Its working on 1.5.6, you just have to add one product in the main category Category product 1 Sub-category one product 1 product 2 product 3 ... Sub-category two product 1 product 2 product 3 and so on
  8. Try http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/260149-is-possible-to-add-wishlist-products-to-cart/ for the add to cart button.
  9. @elpatron Your solution is simple and elegant to change the default user group. But how to autoassign the user group based on customer country provided when customer create account? Something like: If new customer create account, fill the addres form, dropdown select country ex:SPAIN. After register customer to be assignet to one specific group Thank you
  10. Thanks Carl for info. Wish all the best to Prestashop developers....
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