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  1. I'm up to this too. My page remains blank, it seems that the .tpl content cannot be read. Is it there a correct way to call the tpl file?
  2. Io in questa nuova versione non riesco a trovare il modulo Mail Alerts (Notifiche email), quindi non so come fare in modo di ricevere le email dei nuovi ordini.
  3. Itri I tried that and still get error during the module installation. In particular, if I use or not this code I get the same thing: if the field doesn't exist it gets to be created, if the field exist I get an error message. I don't know if it's the case of who posted this thread but, I solved simply in this way: $sql = 'SELECT MY_FIELD from '._DB_PREFIX_.'TABLE'; if ($results = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql)) { return true; } else { if (!Db::getInstance()->execute( 'ALTER TABLE '._DB_PREFIX_.'TABLE ADD `MY_FIELD` varchar(16) NULL')) ; return true; } So, if the field already exists, the funcion do nothing and if the field doesn't exist it will be created. Thank you.
  4. I tried but notjing changed. Other tips?
  5. I would like to delete the order status that the module created (recognizable by "module_name" value on the "ps_order_state" table), not just "an order status" or the last created. But now I see that the module works properly even if unistalled and re-installed. I had some problem before reinstalling, and I thougth it may depends on the alreay existing "order status".. I'll never know what happened
  6. Hello, I developed a payment module that create a new order status during its installation. I would like to know how to make automatically delete that order status when the user unistall the module. Thanks a lot.
  7. Sorry but there's something wrong during the database creation of a new status. I mean in "ps_configuration" table. The id value is "null", it doesn't generate a valid id (es. 14), so the module can't work properly. Thanks. Edit: Solved. Just cancel the line "unset($id_order_state);" , it's contradictory.
  8. of course. but I'm asking about the path that regards the bold part: copy(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../modules/'.$this->name.'/copymails/en/filename.html'
  9. Is the "(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../modules/'.$this->name.'/" path absolute or I have to edit it? I've put the mails folder in the main one: mymodule/mails.
  10. Thanks for your reply. ..but simply creating the folder, I don't get my email template on the list in "Status order", so I can't select it.
  11. Hello, I've got this big issue: 'til Prestashop v1.4 I get to copy a file form my module to the mail folder of my shop with this code: !copy(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.'mails/'.$value.'/myfile.txt',_PS_MAIL_DIR_.'/'.$value.'/myfile.txt') But it doesn't work from v1.5 ...what do I have to change? Thanks a lot.
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