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  1. Hi all, finally I undestand where is the problem. The domain must be replaced also in .htaccess file in the root directory of Prestashop. I don't know if a better method to change the domain exists. Bye, David
  2. Hi all, I have a problem changing the domain of a site builded with Prestashop 1.7. I installed it with a demo domain, www.site1.com, then I would change it in www.sitedef.com. So, besides Apache configuration, I changed the domain in the table named ps_shop_url. It works, but with the new domain I can't see the products images in the frontend application, when them can be visible in the backoffice application. In other words, the following direct link works: http://www.site1.com/1-large-default/description.jpg when I change the domain, the following don't works (it returns 404): http://www.sitedef.com/1-large-default/description.jpg Have you any idea? Thanks, David
  3. Davvero riguardando leggo solo 5.4 + , ma come suggerito ho installato la versione precedente del CMS, la 1.6, che credo non utilizzi neanche Symfony. Sembra funzionare. Anche se ho un problema col firewall di Wordpress (Ninjafirewall) che mi blocca l'upload ... altro stop altre ricerche
  4. Ma i system requirements dicono PHP 5.4 + ?!? Effettivamente Symfony viene introdotto dalla 1.7, ma se possono esserci problemi con PHP precedenti mi aspettavo fosse scritto Io ho comunque la versione 5.5.30 sul server. Grazie.
  5. Io sinceramente sono partito direttamente da 1.7, ma non riesco a farlo funzionare. Mi dà un errore sulla sessione PHP: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/589787-impossibile-effettuare-il-login-come-admin-per-password-errata/ Sono tentato di provare 1.6, giusto per capire, anche se mi pare strano, se è un problema del nuovo cms.
  6. Hi guys, no ideas? I installed Prestashop on a server with other PHP applications (Wordpress), but it runs under a specific domain, and with a specific VirtualHost configuration on Apache. The error is retrieved by a stable release of Prestashop, so I don't think that it can depend on code problem. Is it that WordPress first opens a session, and then Symfony (Prestashop) finds the session already open? The main domain is infact served by WP. I also try to define a specific path for the Prestashop VirtualHost: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18262878/how-to-prevent-php-sessions-being-shared-between-different-apache-vhosts Unfortunately it doesn't work. PHP session auto_start parameter is set to 0 in php.ini. I don't understand how can I solve this problem. It can be depends on an Apache or PHP configuration?
  7. Hi, I install the version of this product, on my personal server, but when I'm trying to login with the admin custom URL for the first time, I can view only a blank page. Apache retrieves this error: [Wed Jan 18 00:09:16.059190 2017] [:error] [pid 31253] [client xx.xx.xx.xx:63129] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'RuntimeException' with message 'Failed to start the session: already started by PHP.' in /opt/wp/apps/prestashop/app/cache/prod/classes.php:108\nStack trace:\n#0 /opt/wp/apps/prestashop/app/cache/prod/classes.php(483): Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\Session\\Storage\\NativeSessionStorage->start()\n#1 /opt/wp/apps/prestashop/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Security/Csrf/TokenStorage/SessionTokenStorage.php(90): Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\Session\\Session->start()\n#2 /opt/wp/apps/prestashop/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Security/Csrf/CsrfTokenManager.php(54): Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Csrf\\TokenStorage\\SessionTokenStorage->hasToken('ANONYMOUS_USER')\n#3 /opt/wp/apps/prestashop/app/cache/prod/classes.php(8196): Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Csrf\\CsrfTokenManager->getToken('ANONYMOUS_USER')\n#4 /opt/wp/apps/prestashop/classes/Link.php(722): PrestaShopBundle\\Service\\Routing\\Router->generate('admin_product_c...')\n#5 /opt/wordpre in /opt/wp/apps/prestashop/app/bootstrap.php.cache on line 3216, referer: http://www.xxxxx.xx/adminXXX/index.php?controller=AdminLogin&token=181fa270d47386a8d523bdea6213932c&redirect=AdminDashboard Can it be an error of PHP configuration? I don't know if is a specific error of Prestashop, or it depends by PHP server configuration. Infact, on my server a Wordpress instance is already running. I define a specific domain and a specific VirtualHost on Apache to install Prestashop, so Wordpress should not affect the Prestashop instance. How can I solve? Thank you so much.
  8. Sorry, I don't understand. The URL seems the same of my post. Thank you.
  9. Hi, I install the version of this product, for the first time. Now I'm trying to login with the admin custom URL for the first time, but I can view only a blank page. Apache retrieves this error: [Wed Jan 18 00:09:16.059190 2017] [:error] [pid 31253] [client xx.xx.xx.xx:63129] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'RuntimeException' with message 'Failed to start the session: already started by PHP.' in /opt/wp/apps/prestashop/app/cache/prod/classes.php:108\nStack trace:\n#0 /opt/wp/apps/prestashop/app/cache/prod/classes.php(483): Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\Session\\Storage\\NativeSessionStorage->start()\n#1 /opt/wp/apps/prestashop/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Security/Csrf/TokenStorage/SessionTokenStorage.php(90): Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\Session\\Session->start()\n#2 /opt/wp/apps/prestashop/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Security/Csrf/CsrfTokenManager.php(54): Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Csrf\\TokenStorage\\SessionTokenStorage->hasToken('ANONYMOUS_USER')\n#3 /opt/wp/apps/prestashop/app/cache/prod/classes.php(8196): Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Csrf\\CsrfTokenManager->getToken('ANONYMOUS_USER')\n#4 /opt/wp/apps/prestashop/classes/Link.php(722): PrestaShopBundle\\Service\\Routing\\Router->generate('admin_product_c...')\n#5 /opt/wordpre in /opt/wp/apps/prestashop/app/bootstrap.php.cache on line 3216, referer: http://www.xxxxx.xx/adminXXX/index.php?controller=AdminLogin&token=181fa270d47386a8d523bdea6213932c&redirect=AdminDashboard Can it be an error of PHP configuration? How can I solve? Thank you so much.
  10. Scusate, come non detto ... era un problema di autorizzazioni Apache su quella cartella, e la mia poca esperienza nel prodotto. Per resettare la psw via database ho trovato la "cookie_key" in app/config/parameters.php. Ma ora mi ritrovo al login la pagina bianca col seguente errore nel log: Uncaught exception 'RuntimeException' with message 'Failed to start the session: already started by PHP.
  11. Credo di aver capito l'arcano, semplicemente stavo provando a fare il login non dalla URL di amministrazione. Solo che non ho capito qual è questa URL. Leggendo da altri post leggo che dovrebbe essere /admin-xxx, ma accedendo al filesystem mi ritrovo solo la cartella /admin alla quale non riesco ad accedere, nello specifico col seguente errore: /opt/wordpress/apps/prestashop/admin/.htaccess: DirectoryIndex not allowed here
  12. Buonasera, ho appena installato la versione, ma al termine dell'installazione non mi è stato possibile loggarmi come amministratore del negozio, poiché la password sembra essere errata (strano, considerando che in fase di installazione il browser stesso l'aveva memorizzata). Il recupero password via email sembra non funzionare, probabilmente per le configurazioni del mio server che gestisco io direttamente. Volevo quindi chiedere se e come posso modificare la password dell'amministratore o come posso attivare la mail via SMTP in modo da farmi inviare la mail di recupero password. Ho trovato online diverse procedure riguardanti la 1.6, ma la 1.7 sembra essere differente a cominciare da dove si trova la COOKIE_KEY che dovrebbe comporre la password. Grazie per l'attenzione.
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