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  1. Oldie, but I had the same issue, so I'll post my solution. For me, the issue occurred with "Smart cache for CSS" enabled, where one of my module css files had a line @import "back.css"; So, when cached there was no path reference. I located the suspect css file via linux grep: grep -iInrw --context=0 "back\.css" */modules --include="*.*" In my instance, the css file only contained the above line, so I simply modified the calling php file to call back.css directly.
  2. Older question, but I had the same issue. Here's my fix: Navigate to: /modules/themeconfigurator/ In themeconfigurator.php, change line $images = Db::getInstance()->executeS('SELECT image FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'themeconfigurator`'); to $images = Db::getInstance()->executeS('SELECT image FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'themeconfigurator` WHERE image IS NOT NULL'); Reasoning: If there are rows in the themeconfigurator database table where `image` = NULL, those NULL entries will still return in the $images array. When the deleteImage function tries to find those NULL images in the directory it cannot and therefore returns the 'Could not find upload directory' error.
  3. Old post, but just noting for future ref. that it should be up top on the dashboard too. Cheers!
  4. Did you resolve this? It sounds like you did, but I cannot seem to find your solution above. Would you mind sharing?
  5. Although this post is dated, it may still be relevant to someone. Adding data-keepinline="true" to the script tag may help you out. For Example, using Google's supplied Customer Review code: <script data-keepinline="true"> window.renderOptIn = function() { ...
  6. Ok, I believe I've found a solution. For those still having this issue try this. Locate the below code. Default in: /themes/./js/global.js Mine via function WishlistButton() in: /themes/./js/modules/blockwishlist/js/ajax-wishlist.js Change from: $('.wishlist').each(function () { current = $(this); $(this).children('.wishlist_button_list').popover({ html: true, content: function () { return current.children('.popover-content').html(); } }); }); To: $('.wishlist').each(function(index, element) { $(element).children('.wishlist_button_list').popover({ html: true, content: function () { return $(element).children('.popover-content').html(); } }); }); I also added this script line to product-list.tpl to call the function and update the array with each pagination. <script> WishlistButton(); </script>
  7. I had the same error and made the following changes to /modules/stripe_official/stripe_official.php Found two lines containing: $charge->source->owner->name, Changed to: $params['cardHolderName'], //$charge->source->owner->name, I hope that helps your issue.
  8. Thank you! After so much tinkering, password special characters was my issue as well.
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