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  1. Hey guys, I would like to ask you for some help or at least reliable sources where I can look for a solution. My goal is to change the view of the summary steps while finishing the order to look simillar or identical to pretashop 1.6 (I mean the html look only, not php content --> tab like view is the goal here (http://build.prestashop.com/prestashop-ui-kit/section-15.html#section-15.2)). I have already build a child them upon your classic one. The essential info about my issue: (if the look of summary steps can't be easily changed to 1.6 look, we need to build something simillar, so...) {foreach from=$steps item="step" key="index"} {render identifier = $step.identifier position = ($index + 1) ui = $step.ui } {/foreach} I can't figure it out how I can easily split the content into buttons and content separately. If you ask me I may say that it should look like this <ul class="nav nav-tabs bordered" id="myTabBordered" role="tablist"> {foreach from=$steps item="step" key="index"} {render identifier = $step.identifier position = ($index + 1) ui = $step.ui } {/foreach} </ul> <div class="tab-content bordered"> {foreach from=$steps item="stepwrapper" key="index"} {render identifier = $step.identifier position = ($index + 1) ui = $step.ui } {/foreach} </div><!--tab content bordered--> where step block looks like {block name='step'} <li id="{$identifier}" class="{[ 'nav-item' => true, 'checkout-step' => true, '-current' => $step_is_current, '-reachable' => $step_is_reachable, '-complete' => $step_is_complete, 'js-current-step' => $step_is_current ]|classnames}"> <a class="nav-link active" data-toggle="tab" href="#{$title}" role="tab"> {*<i class="material-icons done"></i>*} <span class="step-number">{$position}</span> {$title} {*<span class="step-edit text-muted"><i class="material-icons edit">mode_edit</i> edit</span>*} </a> </li> {/block} and stepwrapper should look like this: {block name='stepwrapper'} {block name='step_content'}DUMMY STEP CONTENT{/block} {/block} stepwrapper supposed to be in a separate file right? Something called 'checkout-stepwrapper.tpl'? Can't make prestashop 1.7 to actually see such file while doing the loops. Instead I end up with the following look and structure (see attachements)
  2. Cześć, jestem kompletnie nowy w temacie Presty, jestem w trakcie konfigurowania wersji 1.7. Instalacja przeszła bez zarzutu, wszystko działa. Aktualnie zmagam się z problemem: Jak dodać kategorię wraz z podkategoriami do menu sklepu (od frontu), domyślam się że nie jest to rocket science, ale przeklikałem całe dostępne w panelu admina menu i żaden z modułów nie zawierał rozwiązania. Rozpatrywałem dwie ścieżki: - w ustawieniach szablonu - w ustawieniach kategorii (tutaj wiem, że visibility kategorii jest ustawione na "visible") myślałem , że może dzieje się to z automatu, ale chyba jednak nie. Kategoria musi mieć produkt , żeby rzeczywiście zrobiła się widoczna? Druga sprawa jak podłączyć kategorię pod widok? Jest generowany friendly url, ale po wpisaniu go do przeglądarki mam 404.
  3. Hey, I have http 500 error after switching to blank starter theme and the front page stopped working. After some reading done here: http://developers.prestashop.com/ I had the impression that after switching to emtpy theme I should at list get some unstyled HTML, am I correct? If not, that's mean that I have some config to do left... Best regards
  4. Hello everybody, it's my first day with PrestaShop 1.7 and I am looking for a place where I can ask few dummy questions when I got stuck when developevng my first theme without annoying anyone. Not sure if the Developers part is the rigth one for beginners. I have the developers docs and few other links with docs, but I have still few questions about errors I got while developing. Any tips? Best regards, Nicholas
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