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  1. Hi , I would like to add sorting by "Discounts %" in the product-sort.tpl then the visitiors can choise in the dropdown of Sort by... Can anyone help me? Thank you in advance
  2. Hey razaro, I follow your steps and again nothing happened, so I decide to use the easier way , with a drop down menu, but if you opened the site you will see that there is a space on the flags , when you need to choose one of the languages. Do you know how to remove this? The code is : <!-- Block languages module --> {if count($languages) > 1} <div id="languages-block-top" class="languages-block"> {foreach from=$languages key=k item=language name="languages"} {if $language.iso_code == $lang_iso} <div class="current"> <img alt="{$language.iso_code}" height="11" alt="" src="{$img_lang_dir}{$language.id_lang}.jpg" width="16" /> {$language.name|regex_replace:"/\s\(.*\)$/":""}</span> </div> {/if} {/foreach} <ul id="first-languages" class="languages-block_ul toogle_content"> {foreach from=$languages key=k item=language name="languages"} <li {if $language.iso_code == $lang_iso}class="selected"{/if}> {if $language.iso_code != $lang_iso} {assign var=indice_lang value=$language.id_lang} {if isset($lang_rewrite_urls.$indice_lang)} <a href="{$lang_rewrite_urls.$indice_lang|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$language.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" rel="alternate" hreflang="{$language.iso_code|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"> {else} <a href="{$link->getLanguageLink($language.id_lang)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$language.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" rel="alternate" hreflang="{$language.iso_code|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"> {/if} {/if} <img alt="{$language.iso_code}" height="11" alt="" src="{$img_lang_dir}{$language.id_lang}.jpg" width="16" /> {$language.name|regex_replace:"/\s\(.*\)$/":""}</span> {if $language.iso_code != $lang_iso} </a> {/if} </li> {/foreach} </ul> </div> {/if} <!-- /Block languages module -->
  3. Hm, no nothing happened.,,I added the code in global.css ... : #languages_block_top { display: inline-block; padding: 6px 0 0 12px; }
  4. I want to display all language flags instead of dropdown menu. on the top of right corner. How can i do that?
  5. ah Yes, you are right , but see how now look the icons in the shop www,nfashion.bg .. don't know how to fix this :
  6. My question is if you know know how to remove the drop down and display the flags inline? want to have just two languages : one english and one bulgarian one I go to FTP-> modules ->blocklanguages.tpl and this is the flowing code: <!-- Block languages module -->{if count($languages) > 1} <div id="languages_block_top"> <div id="countries"> {* @todo fix display current languages, removing the first foreach loop *} {foreach from=$languages key=k item=language name="languages"} {if $language.iso_code == $lang_iso} <p class="selected_language"> <img src="{$img_lang_dir}{$language.id_lang}.jpg" alt="{$language.iso_code|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" width="16" height="11" /> </p> {/if} {/foreach} <ul id="first-languages" class="countries_ul"> {foreach from=$languages key=k item=language name="languages"} <li {if $language.iso_code == $lang_iso}class="selected_language"{/if}> {if $language.iso_code != $lang_iso} {assign var=indice_lang value=$language.id_lang} {if isset($lang_rewrite_urls.$indice_lang)} <a href="{$lang_rewrite_urls.$indice_lang|escape:htmlall}" title="{$language.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" rel="alternate" hreflang="{$language.iso_code|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"> {else} <a href="{$link->getLanguageLink($language.id_lang)|escape:htmlall}" title="{$language.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" rel="alternate" hreflang="{$language.iso_code|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"> {/if} {/if} <img src="{$img_lang_dir}{$language.id_lang}.jpg" alt="{$language.iso_code|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" width="16" height="11" /> {if $language.iso_code != $lang_iso} </a> {/if} </li> {/foreach} </ul> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { $("#countries").mouseover(function(){ $(this).addClass("countries_hover"); $(".countries_ul").addClass("countries_ul_hover"); }); $("#countries").mouseout(function(){ $(this).removeClass("countries_hover"); $(".countries_ul").removeClass("countries_ul_hover"); }); }); </script> {/if} <!-- /Block languages module --> I tried to remove the existing code and use the code from the folowing link, but nothing happened ( also I clear the cache of the site in performance but not help...) https://mypresta.eu/en/art/developer/prestashop-languages-display-flags-only.html Please help
  7. Hi, Please review my account, as I can't create a new topics ... after saving it's redirecting to the website of prestashop....
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