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  1. Živijo, Hvala za pomoč, smo ugotovili da smo vse imeli nastavljeno pravilno. Vendar je bil problem da smo imeli med izdelki izbrano napredno upravljanje zaloge, zaradi česar ni hotelo dodati ustrezne dostave in s tem tudi poštnine. Sedaj deluje kot mora. Upam da bo komu ta rešitev v pomoč če se sreča s to težavo.
  2. i have the "No carriers......" problem which hundreds of people had to face, i have the carriers and the shipping configured in the right way. All zones and countries checked that they are as they say on other topics. But still nothing I have also aded the carrier in the warehouse but still no change. Always the same problem. Sometimes they are showing during the order process but most of the time they don't and the error "no carriers available..." comes up, so the problem is not consinstent and same is for free shipping problem i have my own carrier (no modules or anything) but sometimes it shows up as free shipping or just sum up shipping for all products in the cart wich is so wrong! Hope that somebody can help me becasue I don't know what else to do anymore.
  3. Živijo, morda mi kdo tu zna razrešiti težavo, ki je jaz nikakor nemorem kljub pregledu vseh forumov in sledenju vsem navodilom. In sicer ko želim dodati izdelek v košarico in nato dokončati nakup se zatakne ker ni na voljo dobenega ponudnika dostave. Sicer smo sledili vsem korakom na vseh forumih in poskušali razrešiti težavo, vendar to deluje za nekaj izdelkov potem se stanje spet povrne v povratno ( Dostava ni na voljo za vaš kraj). Sledili smo vsem navodilom in spremenili cone, države vse, tudi v skladišču smo dali našega dostavljalca kot glavnega. Prav tako se pojavi problem z brezplačno poštnino, ki se kar naenkrat pojavi za vse izdelke čeprav nebi smela, včasih tudi sešteva poštnino v košarici!! Potem pa naenkrat vse neha delovati. Upam, da kdo od vas pozna rešitev saj nevem več kaj narediti.
  4. i have the "No carriers......" problem which hundreds of people had to face, i have the carriers and the shipping configured in the right way. All zones and countries checked that they are as they say on other topics. But still nothing I have also aded the carrier in the warehouse but still no change. Always the same problem. Sometimes they are showing during the order process but most of the time they don't and the error "no carriers available..." comes up, so the problem is not consinstent and same is for free shipping problem i have my own carrier (no modules or anything) but sometimes it shows up as free shipping or just sum up shipping for all products in the cart wich is so wrong! Hope that somebody can help me becasue I don't know what else to do anymore.
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