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  1. Of course. It's a pity that you did not write it 2 or 6 years ago. This answer was needed such a long time. And my answer was just a suggestion how to do it. You can use sql or php or anything else. But as I said thus php can be used for the button for bulk rewrite in the list of product. Simple and universal solution.
  2. Its a pitty that even after 2 years there is not "RIGHT" answer to this question. I have exactly the same problem. I have a lot of products duplicated and users forget to click on the button Generate because it is in the another section when they duplicate product, it is not obvious on the first. So we REALLY do not need to regenerate .htaccess file it is nonsense in this case. We really need automatic generation of friendly URLs. First I have to say that this is a big error of the prestashop 1.5. When user duplicate product then this MUST be generated automaticaly as a default. It should not be left on the user. Or at least it should be done as a checkbox but defaulty regenerate it. Secondly I tried to rewrite it in the database as was noted here and it works. So the problem has very simple solution: if needed once a time, use update statement on the database for table ps_product_lang on column link_rewrite, the update statement may be a little long because there is not so simple to translate all accented chars to without accent but here is already created solutions (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4813620/how-to-remove-accents-in-mysql 🙂 I have added the czech accents and minus sign and plus sign for the prestashop friendly URLs: UPDATE ps_product_lang SET ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = LOWER(ps_product_lang.name), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,' ','-'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'+',''), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'á','a'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ä','a'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'č','c'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ď','d'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'é','e'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ě','e'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'í','i'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ĺ','l'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ň','n'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ó','o'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ö','o'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ř','r'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'š','s'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ť','t'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ú','u'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ů','u'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ü','u'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ý','y'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ž','z'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Ð','Dj'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'À','A'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Á','A'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,' ','A'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Ã','A'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Ä','A'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Å','A'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Æ','A'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Ç','C'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'È','E'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'É','E'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Ê','E'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Ë','E'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Ì','I'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Í','I'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Î','I'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Ï','I'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Ñ','N'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Ò','O'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Ó','O'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Ô','O'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Õ','O'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Ö','O'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Ø','O'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Ù','U'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Ú','U'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Û','U'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Ü','U'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Ð','Dj'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Þ','B'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ß','Ss'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'à','a'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'â','a'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ã','a'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ä','a'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'å','a'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'æ','a'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ç','c'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ê','e'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ë','e'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ì','i'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'î','i'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ï','i'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ð','o'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ñ','n'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ò','o'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ô','o'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'õ','o'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ö','o'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ø','o'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ù','u'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'û','u'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ý','y'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'þ','b'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ÿ','y'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ƒ','f'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'œ','oe'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'Ł','L'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = replace(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite,'ą','a'), ps_product_lang.link_rewrite = trim(ps_product_lang.link_rewrite) and you can add or delete the chars that you want add a button to mass functions for list of products (like there is already button to delete selected), this is very simple solutions and you can regenerate it to any selected products create module that can be very simple just one button to regenerate all proudcts or very complicated that that can regenerate products by category, selected, or any other what you can think fix the prestashop by yourself it is opensource, so generate friendly url for clonning of product
  3. Thanks. That my problem. I am not familier with php and PrestaShop controllers and that why it is very difficult to find something. Thanks for help. Best regards.
  4. Thanks very much. I have also find this way but your example was very helpful anyway. Firstly I need to find out how it works then I would create override. When I tried it I found the comment that I should create method with name "bulkActionName". But in reality it is name "processBulkActionName". For me this is a little misleading. Why there is the word "process" in the beginning? If I follow that comment then it will not work. Best regards
  5. Hello, I would like to help with prestashop version I know that this is quite an old version but we still have it. I need just clue not to develope it. The user vekia was very helpfull hope somebody still can help like he. I need add new button for bulk operation like there is already "Delete selected" and I want to add new one just next to it so I can do my thinks. I know that the main part is in AdminProductsController.php but I cannot find where should I put the function for new bulk button and where should I put the button itself. See the picture. Thank for help. Best Regards
  6. I think the best will be to send a defect to prestashop. This is just a forum not defect management for developers of prestashop. Did someone already send a defect to prestashop? If yes what they say?
  7. Hi, I am not so qualified but if I understand you want to add php. You do not said what you want to do or where but. Really php is the server side. So you have to modify the module jmspagebuilder or the standard php file of prestahop. Use the overriding for module or prestashop. If the jmspagebuilder can add some html then it is the frontend side and the php is server side therefore it does not work. Best regards
  8. I do not know what you mean with 90-95% of proportion but if I have a look to theweb page it look like a standard prestashop web page. I think you do not need any developer. You need just take somebody who will show you the customization of prestshop. It depends what you want. Best Regards
  9. You should use category id's as is written in the documentations for import: http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS17/Import
  10. I think there is an error. If I read your previous post about showing of kattegories and patch and it was fixed by adding of category then I think this could be also damaged. It is hard to say where you have problem. If I were you I could see another installation of prestashop or the local installation and test it there.
  11. And does your prestashop works in subfolder e.g. www.easterninspiration.co.uk/Prestashop1.7.4.3? If yes you just need to edit the redirection of your main site to the subfolder. It depends what you have and there are a lot of possibilities how to do it. If you have your own server and not the hosting and you use apache as a web server then you can do it in the httpd.conf file. See it in the "appache/conf" directory in web server and edit it. But I will not help you how to edit it. It is also a little strenge to me and there is a lot of settings how to do it. See the documentations for apache or find it in google, there are a lot of answers.
  12. php.ini is the file on the server itself. It depends where you have web hosting. You should ask your administrator of webserver. Normally the php.ini is in the php folder on the web server. If you have access only to your ftp folder where you have your prestashop files then you cannot see the php.ini. Really ask your web server adminsitrator. This question is really very offen. I also need it in the first of my working with prestashop. Look to google, for example this: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/223002-cannot-find-phpini/
  13. I think it is because the attribute is shown only if the selected kategory has some product linked with this attribute.
  14. I think you do not need any module. Just turn on and or use product attributes in the catalog menu in back office. See the docs: Managing Product Attributes http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS17/Managing+Product+Attributes Or see this article where there is diffrence beatween attributes and features: https://www.prestashop.com/en/blog/difference-product-attribute-product-feature
  15. Diky za info. Pokud to tak je. Tak jediné co je potřeba je toto napsat do dokumentace. To je vše. Víte někdo kdo ji má na starosti nebo kdo ji může upravit?
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