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  1. { return $this->link->query($sql); } maaf gan ane kurang ngerti untuk code ini, kira2 apa yg salah?
  2. udah gan, error seperti ini , ( json.parse unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the json data ) sama error ini ( public_html/classes/db/DbPDO.php [2] Error while sending QUERY packet. PID=623277 line 134 )
  3. mohon pencerahan gan udah muter google belom dapet pencerahan. error ketika upload image new product , tapi tidak ada keterangan error nya, jadi saya bingung harus nyari dimana di screenshot hanya ada kotak error tanpa ada tulisan thanks gan
  4. Please help me, how to fix this? Undefined Index public_html/modules/appagebuilder/classes/shortcodes/ApManuFacturersCarousel.php I was using Presta and Leo Themes I really need help with this, Thanks everyone
  5. Hello guys, i need help to change the sentence or words ( i dont what you call it ) Transfer Bank payment, the words always appear after shipping methods, here some screenshot what i want to change ( its in indonesian language but the point is i want to change this sentence or words ) Please give me an advice, Thanks
  6. Gan numpang tanya , bagaimana cara ganti kalimat yang ada di bagian pembayaran setelah proses pemilihan pengiriman Berikut screenshot yang saya mau ganti kata-katanya Mohon pencerahannya gan
  7. Ask gan, ane hampir mentok nih nyari article belum dapet-dapet tentang Return URL, mohon pencerahannya gan apa itu return url dan bagaimana cara ane dapetnya, agar bisa langsung dapat respone ke penyedia payment gateway .. Berikut ane kasih screen shotnya untuk module payment gateway (finpay) ada 3 hal sebenarnya yang belum ane terlalu mengerti , endpoint url, return url dan email bcc
  8. Hello everyone, i have problem about this CMS box, it didnt appear on front page of my website, please help me what should i check, i already check in CMS Block module and preferences menu, and everythings seems normal
  9. everythings is fine here, i just add some product yesterday and the next day its just like that.
  10. Hello everyone, please help me a bit, i dont know what to do, im an amateur and just now i check my website on the product didn't show up price and buy option Here for screenshot
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