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  1. Muchísimas gracias por tu explicación, ya entiendo un poco más de como quedaría, en este caso si son 3 productos con los ids: 34, 32, 36 como quedaría para que solo se muestre el hook en esos?, una disculpa soy muy nuevo en la edición de TPLs..
  2. Hello, i'm using Revolution Slider to make promo banners for my store, the problem is that some specific products cant be purchased the normal way, and requires the client to call to the business for a quotation (the product is really big, is an iron fence), right now im using the short description to put that warning but that doesnt looks too good and is not the best practice, because when you see the products on the list mode, the product short description is a mess, So please can someone help me to know how to assing a custom hook to specific products id or products inside an X category? im pretty lost.
  3. Hola el mismo Revolution Slider me permite crear hooks nuevos, el problema es que no se como podría indicar a través de código en donde debe aparecer
  4. Hola buenas tardes, tengo instalado el modulo de Revolution Slider para prestashop, he creado un slider con un mensaje promocional y quiero asignar este slider a ciertos productos en específico, agregue el slider al hook DisplayProductButtons pero este aparece en todos, de que forma podría hacerlo aparecer en ciertos productos en especifico, ya sea usando el id del producto o de que forma se podría hacer? La version de prestashop que uso es la Muchas gracias!
  5. Hello, im using an Ec2 Instance at AWS, i'm trying to install and enable an SSL certificate, but there is an option that request me to check if my server has enabled the SSL engine (is weird never saw this option before, it was just a switch) When i click on it, it gives me error 404, when i write https on my store link it gives me 404, but the certificate is already working (secure green label) What i have done without success: -Removed Htaccess to regenerate it. -Checked the server config and paths for the .crt and .key files to be sure everything is working right on that side.. I don't know what else i need to do to find the problem. Any idea?
  6. Thank you for your answer... i cant believe that was the problem... oh my god.. i spent 2 days trying to figure it out so at the end the obligatory names are the module folder, the module.php name and the module class name.. all of them should be the same or either wont work, thank you so much!
  7. Hello i've been trying to make my first test module to learn about modules development i've done the main steps but when i try to install it, it wont let me, it says the same error as this thread some people there say it is a syntaxis error on the code but im not sure... Can someone help me please? Here is the code i have.. <?php if(!defined('_PS_VERSION_')){ exit; } use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Module\WidgetInterface; class mimodulon extends Module implements WidgetInterface{ public function __construct(){ $this->name = "Test Module"; $this->tab = 'front_office_features'; $this->version = '1.0.0'; $this->author = 'Awiwi'; $this->need_instance = 0; $this->bootstrap = true; parent::__construct(); $this->displayName = $this->trans('First Test Module', array(), 'Module.mimodulon'); $this->description = $this->trans('First Module Test', array(), 'Module.mimodulon'); $this->ps_version_compilancy = array('min' => '', 'max' => _PS_VERSION_); } public function install(){ Configuration::updateValue('MIMODULO', false); return parent::install()&& $this->registerHook('header') && $this->registerHook('backOfficeHeader')&& $this->registerHook('displayHome')&& $this->registerHook('displayLeftColumn')&& $this->registerHook('footer'); } public function uninstall() { Configuration::deleteByName('MIMODULO', false); return parent::uninstall(); } public function renderWidget($hookName, array $configuration) { } public function getWidgetVariables($hookName, array $configuration) { } } I dont know what im missing please i really need help.. im lost now.
  8. Hello everyone, im using AWS Ec2 instances and i want to make a new "main instance" with all the server requeriments to install a X version of prestashop when needed something like Xampp on a localhost installation, what i need to know is the php version needed, the web service.. apache version, phpmyadmin, mysql etc, basically the basics to make a web server instance... can someone help me? Thank you very much!
  9. Where can i find that to delete it please? im having the same problem since 2 weeks ago and cant find a solution yet :/
  10. Hello and thank you, how can i check if all the payment methods share the same confirmation page?
  11. Hello i need to know the tpl file name to modify the text when someone success buying something from the store.. it appears like a pop up but i dont know the file name.. Hope someone can help me. Thank you very much!
  12. Hola buenas tardes, estoy tratando de añadir al formulario de registro mas opciones en el espacio de genero, por default cuento con Mrs. y Mr pero quiero cambiar esas opciones por : Estudiante, Odontologo y agregar una tercera: Profesor, estoy trabajando en una tienda de suplementos para dentistas.. mi duda es,.. es tan simple como agregar una tercera opcion a la base de datos e incluirla en el codigo del contact-form.tpl o lleva mas allá? Soy nuevo en esto de prestashop, tengo experiencia en php css3 y html pero jamas habia trabajado con esta plataforma y pues realmente me da temor moverle a algo y que todo se venga abajo hehe... Gracias de ante mano
  13. I see thank you!, i ended making the store from zero again, less problems i think ..
  14. Hello guys, and good morning, i've been looking for this code around the net but... i haven't found anything yet, i removed the option as a request, but now they want it back again and i know i need to add it manually using the code ... i guess ?¿ or there is another way to put it back?
  15. Many thanks! and i know it is my job, the problem is that im pretty new to prestashop files structure, the front office is split in many files and folders nad im afraid to touch something because i dont know how they work yet..... Thanks again... if u know about any guide explaining how prestashop manage the files i would love it! thanks and sorry for being nub X_X Edit: you were talking about the css from the default theme, however i've installed a custom one and everything is different.
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