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  1. Yeah, seems you are right. Trying to find now where that data gets loaded from after the ajax call... Thanks for the hint
  2. Prestashop 1.6.1 I would like to display the unit prices in the shopping cart. To do this, I added the following to the shopping-cart-product-line-tpl: {if $product.unit_price_ratio >0 && $product.price} {math equation="b/a" a=$product.unit_price_ratio b=$product.price_without_reduction assign=realunit} {l s="("}{convertPrice price=$realunit} {l s="/"} {$product.unity}{l s=")"} {/if} The unit prices are displayed with that snippet. If you now change the number of items in the shopping cart, the display of the unit price disappears again, although the unit price remains the same. Any idea how the unit price remains displayed?
  3. Prestashop 1.6.1 Im Warenkorb möchte ich die Grundpreise anzeigen. Dazu habe ich in der shopping-cart-product-line-tpl folgendes eingefügt: {if $product.unit_price_ratio >0 && $product.price} {math equation="b/a" a=$product.unit_price_ratio b=$product.price_without_reduction assign=realunit} {l s="("}{convertPrice price=$realunit} {l s="/"} {$product.unity}{l s=")"} {/if} So werden auch die Grundpreise angezeigt. Ändert man jetzt die Artikelanzahl im Warenkorb, verschwindet die Anzeige der Grundpreise wieder, obwohl der Grundpreis gleich bleibt. Eine Idee. wie der Grundpreis eingebölendet bleibt?
  4. I want to hide the attributes with ID 1193 and 1194 from the dropdown select on the product age. These two IDs are a combination: Color: blue (ID 1193) | Size: L (ID 1194) SO we have to select dropdowns in that product, size and color. I used that code in product.tpl, but it does not work: {if ($id_attribute != 1193) && ($id_attribute != 1194) } <option value="{$id_attribute|intval}"{if (isset($smarty.get.$groupName) && $smarty.get.$groupName|intval == $id_attribute) || $group.default == $id_attribute} selected="selected"{/if} title="{$group_attribute|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">{$group_attribute|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</option> {/if} WHat am I doing wrong here? Thx for help idee
  5. {if $subcategory.id_image2} <img class="replace-2x" src="{$link->getCatImageLink($subcategory.link_rewrite, $subcategory.id_image2, 'medium_default')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" alt="" width="{$mediumSize.width}" height="{$mediumSize.height}" /> {else} <img class="replace-2x" src="{$img_cat_dir}default-medium_default.jpg" alt="" width="{$mediumSize.width}" height="{$mediumSize.height}" /> {/if} If I would delete the default image in the {else}, the default would not shown. But with the changes from your tutorial it does not work. Any help would be nice
  6. Hi NemoPS, I use that code, but cant get to work that if NO Second Image was uploaded -> I want NO image to show.Now in standard It always shows the default image.How can I achieve that? (in categroy.tpl, when I comment out the {else} for the subcategorie images, it does not affect, still showing the standard)Thx for help,
  7. Ok, well - we need: the script to delete PRODUCTS by IDs -> we have a list of the Product-IDs the Script to delete CATEGORIES by IDs -> we have a list of the Category-IDs Send me your Paypal, if thats fine for you. I donate for help.
  8. Hey Guys, I have approx. 22.000 Subcategories I have to delete COMPLETELY. I have all the IDs in a CSV file. Would that kind of function work with categories? Is that possible? Thx for help,
  9. Hey, thanks. I give it a try. We have over 5000 products with errors, cause the image url cant be crawled. Its a disaster!
  10. Hi Everybody, we have a many sites not getting crawled by Google Merchant Center. Support told us it is because the images cannot be crawled. The reason, according Support, is a line in the robots.txt Disallow: /*controller=images.inc That is a standard line for prestashop robots.txt. So what is going in here? Should/can we delete this line? Thanks for help Idee
  11. Hello Forum, we have a product, 5000 pieces in stock. Now we want to sell that product like: 1-15 pieces : 20$ / each piece 20 pieces (as pack together) : 350$ 40 pieces (as pack together) : 600$ 80 pieces (as pack together)... 100 pieces (as pack together)... ..... We do not want to create seperate products for each pack (with pack i mean 20 pieces togheter ertc.) We cannot find a way (attirbutes, options etc.) to realise that kind of selling a product and have correct stock management. Ideas & Tipps? Thank you Frank
  12. Danke für Eure Hilfe. Werde am Montag weiter versuchen. Ich mache sicher irgendwo etwas falsch (davon ist wohl auszugehen ) Schönes Wochenende Sirc
  13. Ne, ist nicht der Fall. Nutzt man generell nur {$product->reference|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} wird nichts angezeigt. Keiner von beiden Einträgen zeigt die Artikelnummer. Es hat irgendetwas mit id="product_reference" zu tun.
  14. Hallo, Wir nutzen Prestashop 1.6.13, mit dem Defult Bootstrap Template. In der product.tpl möchten wir die sku/product->reference 2 mal abbilden. Das geht aber nicht. Fügt man den Code dafür ein zweites mal an anderer Stelle ein, wird die Artikelnummerdort einfach nicht angezeigt: <p id="product_reference"{if empty($product->reference) || !$product->reference} style="display: none;"{/if}> <label>{l s='Ref:'} </label> <span class="editable" itemprop="sku">{if !isset($groups)}{$product->reference|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}sssssssss</span> </p> Kennt das jemand , bzw. hat Tipps warum das so ist? Grüße sirc
  15. Hallo Forum, Hinter dem Gesamtpreis im Warenkorb steht der Suffix zzgl. Mwst. In unserem Fall ist: müsste inkl. Mwst dort stehen. In unserem Fall: Händler -> (Preise werden netto zzgl. >Mwst angezeigt im ganzen Shop). Im Warenkorb werden/müssen aber, da der Händler aus DE kommt (Shopstandort auch DE) die Mwst/Ust draufgeschlagen. Trotzdem steht hinter GESAMT zzgl. Mwst. Siehe Bild unten. Das ist so falsch. Habt Ihr da da Tipps ? Danke & Grüße Idee
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