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About ricklarsen_ch

  • Birthday 01/06/1956

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    Geneva, Switzerland
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  1. I have a multi-currency module that manages my back office purchase (cost) prices in US$. This is the module it is referring to. Understanding now what it is, I have changed its name back to the original name in this directory. Considering that the rates have (at least started) updating, I would like to see if they will keep updating and doing so correctly before trying to figure out how to make the code you suggested work in a file in the same directory with the same name. (I'm not sure how to combine the two scripts in the same file.)
  2. Hello, I have no idea what the 22-line Currency.php is or where it came from, but the contents follow. I did not make any changes to the original file, nor did I authorize anyone to do so on my behalf. I have changed its name for the moment. Thank you for the suggestion about my admin. ---Currency.php contents--- <?php include_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.'hardevelmulticurrency/hardevelmulticurrency.php'); class Currency extends CurrencyCore{ /* * module: hardevelmulticurrency * date: 2016-07-27 15:25:59 * version: 1.0.10 */ public function update($autodate = true, $nullValues = false) { $result = parent::update($autodate,$nullValues); if($result){ include_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.'hardevelmulticurrency/hardevelmulticurrency.php'); $hardevelmulticurrency = new hardevelmulticurrency(); $hardevelmulticurrency->updatePrices(array(),$this->id); } return $result; } }
  3. I checked the Currency.php file currently in my /classes/ directory and it does not have the ecb XML data feed mentioned above. I also checked the small 22-line Currency.php file in my /override/classes/ directory and it does not have this feed. When I tried to use the code you sent me, by copying it into a Currency.php script in the /override/classes/ directory on October 24th, my website would not load. Users received an error message saying that the website was not available. As soon as I renamed the new script to new_Currency.php and put the short 22-line script back that had been there, the site was available again. Since asking for some further precision the same day (above), I have not tried again. I also have 999 other things that I have to do. Although the currency rates are again updating (at the moment), they seem to be in error. For example, my base currency is the Swiss franc. This morning the exchange rate with euros is exactly 1, something that is practically impossible. It is even more unlikely considering that the night before this same exchange rate was 0.921574. Even manually updating exchange rate this morning had no effect on the 1-1 exchange rate. Regards,
  4. As of yesterday, October 25th, 2016, currency rates are updating again with CronJobs. I did not check the rates last Thursday or Friday, so it is possible the rates were updating as early as that. The only logical explanation is that someone at PrestaShop did something, because I did nothing except try to solve the problem. Regards,
  5. Hello, When I created a new Currency.php file in the /override/classes/ directory (renaming the old one), my site would no longer load. I thought I followed the directions very carefully, but it was not clear to me if I had to place the new file in BOTH the /override/classes/ and the /classes/ directories. Could you please clarify? Thanks in advance, Rick
  6. Dear markaussie, First, thank you for sharing this with me! I will investigate implementing it as early as today. I just need to find someone to help me because I am a simple businessman, not a technical person. Second, ... Would you mind telling me, for the reason already invoked in the first point above, where I can read/learn about how to create "...an override..."? Thanks and best regards, Rick Larsen
  7. Dear nethercott solutions, No, I am not sure. I did not read any chatter from other users of this feature in the internet or on this forum about PrestaShop stopping to update the file that (presumably) many users are using, but I have nonetheless no ruled out that my move and their stopping updating are a coincidence. I have also -- and partially for this reason -- been trying to eliminate any other remaining possibility. All the while I have been doing so, I am slowly arriving at the conclusion that this in one of, if not the only, logical explanation.
  8. Dear markaussie, Yes, I am interested. Would you mind posting it here as offered? Regards, Rick
  9. Thank you very much for this information, but I am not sure how I can apply it to solve my problem. QUESTIONS: 1. Is it possible that the old key does not work on the new site at the new host and that this is the source of my problem? 2. Do I need to generate a new secure key for the new site at the new host? If yes, how can I generate this key? Regards, Rick
  10. I would like to supplement my original posting with a closely related questions: QUESTIONS: 1. How is the unique "Secure Key" used in the currency rate CronJob generated? 2. Is this key somehow specific to installation-specific information, or a combination of various pieces of information, at the time PrestaShop was installed (for example, the IP address, the website name, server-specific IP or MAC addresses, etc.)? In explicit terms, I would like to know if the key that was generated at the time of installation on a specific server at one hosting service, at one fixed IP address, would be transportable to a different fixed IP address, on a different server, at a different host? My specific secure_key is ​<removed> Is there any relation between this secure_key and the token that appears in the address bar of my browser when I go to this page in Back Office, because the two are not the same? ...AdminCurrencies&token=<removed> Thanks in advance, Rick
  11. Thank you for the attempt, but getting my currency rates from another source is not a solution to my problem with PrestaShop's currency rate module, it is simply a work around. I want to fix what I have, not acquire something new to manage. Regards,
  12. Yes, the server PHP settings are correctly set for "allow_url_fopen = On" Rick
  13. My shop was configured and running fine for a few months until I moved my web hosting provider 10 days ago. I have three currencies: USD, CHF and EUR. I had a CronJob that ran on the "old" host every 12 hours and I could see the exchange rates change every 12 hours. Since moving 10 days ago to a "new" host and setting up an identical CronJob, the CronJob runs normally with the same confirmation email, but my exchange rates have not changed in 10 days. In fact, they seem to be "stuck" at their current level, even if I manually click on Update Currency Rates. By this, I mean, that if I manually change the rates to another value, then either 1.) run the CronJob or 2.) manually Update Currency Rates, the rates are visibly returned to the values they were at before. I see only two possibilities for this outcome: 1.) PrestaShop is not updating the currency exchange rates data and has not done so since I moved (this would be a big coincidence), or 2.) The secure key that I had in my shop on the "old" host is no longer the same at my "new" host (although this is the secure key that still shows in my back office today). Under LOCALIZATION ¦ CURRENCIES, the following link is still displayed today as it was before the move: http://www.hopelingerie.ch/adminxxxxyyyy/cron_currency_rates.php?secure_key=8919146b3ed6e9785a12f4d7fbe5399f My base currency is the CHF. The exchange rates that are displayed (stuck?) are 0.915332 for EUR and 1.006682 for USD. Does anyone have an idea what is wrong here? Thanks and regards, Rick
  14. If your assumption were true, it would mean that all existing problems in the market were solved and there were no new opportunities. Gladly (or sadly), this is not true. Thanks for your interest though...
  15. Thank you for your comments and your interest in my problem. The problem with exchange rates is that the amount will always vary. I cannot publicize free shipping above €90 on the website, because this is not the default currency at the moment. A customer who researched products at 8am for a total price of €91 (base currency CHF) might come back at 8pm after currency exchange rates are updated (every 12 hours) and find that his total order value is now only €89. Under most conditions, this would be good news, but if the shipping that would have been free is now the equivalent of €30, the customer will not be happy. Moreover, if the customer then has to find another article to purchase at a minimum price of €10 just to qualify, they will be doubly unhappy. I am not looking to have a module written for me. I am suggesting and demonstrating that there is a need for an application that handles the 4 scenarios above from many merchants in my situation. I can handle the problem, I think, by converting to multi-store for zero investment, but this increases my workload going forward into the future on another front. Best Regards, Rick
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