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  1. In this case, please open file: public_html/src/Adapter/EntityMapper.php go to line code 99 Change from if (array_key_exists($key, $entity_defs['fields']) || array_key_exists($key, $entity)) { To if (isset($entity_defs['fields'][$key]) || isset($entity->{$key})) { Save file and double test.
  2. Hi there, This is product attribute, you can change it(public name) in the tab: Catalog >> product attributes Thanks,
  3. Hi there, I tested, there is no error. You can try to clear your browser cache and double test. Thanks,
  4. Hi there, This is module my account block (ps_customeraccountlinks). You can see it in the folder: public_html/modules/ps_customeraccountlinks Thanks,
  5. Hi there, With mp4 video, it doesn't auto play, because after saving form, the attribute controls autoplay has been removed. Thanks,
  6. If you want to the video start when open browser, you need to add the param in the iframe: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/MrOAmysdycA?autoplay=1" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay"></iframe> And it only auto start on chrome, Edge (not work on firefox). If you add the param <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/MrOAmysdycA?autoplay=1&mute=1" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay"></iframe> The video start on the firefox (but muted). You can read more it in here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7281765/how-to-embed-an-autoplaying-youtube-video-in-an-iframe
  7. Yes, you can see it in here: https://ps17.demoprestamonster.com/ In the block custom text block
  8. Hi there, I tested it on PS It works fine. You can see it in here (Tab product detail): https://ps17.demoprestamonster.com/home-accessories/19-customizable-mug.html And you need to add with source code:
  9. Hi there, This is my idea. You need to create a new module to show it. 1. 1 file js, after loading product list page, it will get the all id products (you can get id_product by product url, data_idproduct, ...) of this page, after that use ajax >> sending this list id_product to front controller of module. 2. Front controller will get list id_product, get the products in the current cart ($product = $this->context->cart->getProducts(true)) => compare 2 arrays => product in cart 3. in function success of js, check and show the flag (already in cart) Thanks,
  10. Hi there, Did you turn on the option "Allow iframes on HTML fields"? I checked, it works fine on the PS version 1.7.x. Thanks,
  11. Hi there, In the table image_type, there are no columns id_shop and active. => Your sql is wrong. Thanks,
  12. Hi there, This discount included the shipping cost. 1830 + 35 = 1865 * 0.08 = 149.2 Thanks,
  13. Yes, if you a buyer, there is no option to change your email. If you a seller, you can change it in here: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/seller-account
  14. In the product list, you can change it by the way: Step 1: Open file (via ftp or cpanel ) : public_html/themes/your_theme/templates/catalog/_partials/products.tpl Step 2: copy block pagination from line code 35 to 37 and paste it on the line 26. Step 3: Save file, turn off all the cache options at your back office, clear your browser cache and test.
  15. Hi there, You can check the: Number of decimals in the tab General.
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