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  1. Are the updates about JSON using vs WSDL? How do we perform an update? Thanks.
  2. Hi there, I'm using Prestashop 1.7.8 on a shared Siteground hosting. SiteGround offers the dynamic cache feature, a caching system for non-static resources which impeed non-necessary DB queries and many other optimizations. Unfortunately with the standard PS 1.7.8 installation I was experiencing some problems: - images both on category listing and product pages was stuck in loading - the PS webservice which I use with shipping courier's labeling software was not showing the orders - mostly all the website dynamic resources was not loaded properly To overcome the problem I googled and found a solution by entire disabling the dynamic cache through the htaccess adding the line: Header set Cache-Control "private" <IfModule mod_headers.c> <FilesMatch "\.(ttf|ttc|otf|eot|woff|woff2|svg)$"> Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" </FilesMatch> <FilesMatch "\.pdf$"> Header set Content-Disposition "Attachment" Header set X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff" </FilesMatch> Header set Cache-Control "private" </IfModule> There's any way to optimize my htaccess in order to disable the dynamic cache only for the resources truly "cacheble"? Do you have any experience in configuring Prestashop for dynamic cache feature? Kind regards.
  3. Thanks again for your prompt and precise answer (which it makes sense to me). What can you tell me about the second question I made:
  4. I thank you for your interest. Could the tax included wrong label depend on the default group applied on these VAT free customers? The TAX excluded group (in screenshot "IVA esclusa") have just "Customer" as default group: Finally I need to ask what's the tax rule group or tax id applied on these VAT free orders. Thanks again.
  5. I want to congratulate with you. The module works just great and does what the EU laws require to do (in particular I was impressed about the correct inclusion or exclusion of VAT when you switch between different shipping addresses). I tried several paid modules with no luck. I have one three questions: 1) The store is correctly showing TAX excluded amounts for products and shipping but the labels on product or checkout pages keep saying TAX included 2) Does the module work with PS 8 ? 3) Does the module use the old Vies WSDL or the new JSON?
  6. Hi there, I downloaded your module zip file from github and I would be happy to test out your module but on my PS it always shows "Oops... Upload failed" pop-up. The popup appears both on my test env where I have debug mode enabled and live env where no debug is enabled. this is the detailed popup output: I also tried by renaming vatchecker-master.zip to vatchecker.zip but same result. Any help would be appreciated.
  7. Stripe official support told me the same about the PHP version installed on my VPS. I'm currently running php 5.5.9 but new stripe module requires at least 5.6. I can't update php to newer version because I'm running ubuntu 14.04 LTS server that is no longer receiving updates. So I think the easiest way to update PHP is to use another repository who provide updated PHP libs for 14.04. Everybody suggest Ondřej Surý repo to do that (https://tecadmin.net/install-php5-on-ubuntu/) but I'm concerned about the consequences on a live environment.
  8. I there, I've been running stripe official module since 2017. A few days ago I tried to update it to latest 2.0.3 version on my 1.6.23 installation. During installation I get this error: [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module file :/var/www/prestashop/modules/stripe_official/vendor/totpsclasslib/src/Db/ObjectModelDefinition.php: Arrays are not allowed in class constants Does anyone experienced same problem? Any help would be appreciated.
  9. All right, I'll try soon. What about apache site.conf, should I create just a single virtual host? EDIT: I tested it with a single (and simple) .conf file and it worked great! Thanks a lot.
  10. I have an Ubuntu 16.04 VPS server with Apache2 and MySql installed and a single domain www.example.com. I basically need Wordpress to answer to request to www.example.com and Prestashop to requests to www.example.com/shop/ Is it possible? Can you share a guide? Many thanks
  11. Ciao a tutti, sto ricevendo da Webmaster tools di Google un avviso che esiste un problema tra la sitemap sottomessa e l'attributo noindex presente nelle pagine di categoria. Dal momento che voglio voglio indicizzare le pagine di categoria (e vorrei sapere perché non dovrei) vorrei sapere come ELIMINARE il tag dalle pagine di categoria. <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" /> Sono costretto a toccare i file dei template? Se così fosse dipende dall'header.tpl o dal template della pagina di categoria? Grazie. Saluti.
  12. Nessuno può aiutarmi? Vi ripeto la domanda più importante: come fa Prestashop a rilevare quale tariffa di spedizione mostrare ad un visitatore anonimo? Le tariffe di spedizione hanno priorità sulle regole del carrello? Grazie
  13. Ciao a tutti, uso presta 1.6.17. vorrei offrire la spedizione gratuita per consegne in Italia per i prodotti appartenenti ad una certa categoria. A tal fine ho creato una regola di carrello: I due prodotti oggetto della spediz. gratuita hanno come categoria predefinita proprio quella specificata nella regola. Quando testo il comportamento della regola navigando con una sessione anonima e inserisco il prodotto nel carrello vengono comunque mostrate le spese di spedizione. Direte: è normale in quanto il negozio non sa dove vuoi consegnare fin tanto che non esegui l'accesso. E allora ho provato a modificare la regola eliminando la restrizione per paese di consegna e limitando la regola ad un vettore che tra le sue zone ha solo l'italia e che è l'unico che (per via del peso) ha una fascia che può trasportare gli articoli di quella categoria...e non funziona uguale: continua a mostrare le spese di spedizione...tra l'altro della nazione da cui navigo...l'Italia... La domanda a questo punto è: come fa Prestashop a rilevare quale tariffa di spedizione mostrare ad un visitatore anonimo? Le tariffe di spedizione hanno priorità sulle regole del carrello? Grazie.
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