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  1. O' day co' ban nao dung FedEx, USPS, va UPS de goi hang ko? Neu co' ban, may ban su dung module nao. Minh dang gap vao FedEx Free Module ma khong co' cho nao chi dan het. Minh thiet la nhuc dau. Neu ban nao co' su dung, cho minh biet. Cam on may ban.
  2. Thank you for the information. I still having problem getting pass the "Connect to Fedex: 'Handling fee' must be configured to use this module correctly" I agree with what you mean by No Help from Prestashop.
  3. Gosh, this is the most strangest thing I have seen. Found a thread that someone post with similar error. The problem is caused by the different between the SMTP server domain name and the Store Email within Preferences > Store Contacts. https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/337873-smtp-email-not-working-ps-1606/ Thanks for your help Shokinro. Cheers!!! Now how do you set this as SOLVED?
  4. I installed a second Prestashop under a subdirectory and tested out the email issue. With the new fresh installation, I am able to send out a test email via PHP's Mail (). But for some reason I keep getting "Error: Please check your configuration". I tried to turn debugging on but don't see any debugging in the log. Is there any way that I can debug the test mail?
  5. I mentioned to him before and he asked me to talk with the Host Support. I already got online chat with my web hosting support and they have no idea. They said they can restore the older backup but that would wipe out the web designer's content. So I am stuck between two groups and trying to figure this out. Thanks your input, Shokinro. If something come up, please feel free to give your input.
  6. Yeah, the owner/group is the same as any files within the public_html.
  7. I just checked Filezilla and it shows the mails folder has 755 and files underneath are all 644. I tried to send an email with attachment and the permission for the attachment in upload folder is 664.
  8. Yes, everything is there. Pretty generic vanilla copy of mails/en etc. When I tried to send a test email, a green message said it was successfully sent. But nothing in the logs regarding the email.
  9. Hi all, I am having email problem with Prestashop. The problem started when my web designer asked me to wipe out the entire public_html folder so he can upload the designed content. Ever since Prestashop has not send out any order confirmation, account signup, or even test email. I tried both php's mail() and smtp. Neither send out any test email. Before that prestashop was installed via Softaculous available from my Host Provider. Thanks for all the help in advance. - Jack Edit: I want to add that I can send via unix prompt from my account.
  10. mdekker, thank you for the module. I really appreciate your response and contribution to opensource community. Sorry, I was too busy with other matter so didn't respond unto now.Cheers,
  11. Hi, I would like to know if the Office Stripe Module or the Stripe Reload Module let the customers know what type of problems cause the rejection of a credit card? i.e., wrong address line 1, zip code, or cvc code etc. Also does the Stripe Reload module has refund capability and transactions history etc? Thanks
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