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  1. Hi I do not need it anymore. I have got it. If someone else needs it, he can use $message->add();
  2. Hi, The text area is already inserted and the content is already read from the validation script of the payment method. I just wanted to know if I could somehow use some existing function to save the message. I do not need any plugin since I can save the value directly by inserting it into the database tables but I wanted to know if I could avoid this code and use a function. Some like $this->context->order->setMessage('My custom message thread'), but setMessage fuction is in the CheckoutSession.php file and I do not know how to load the necessary class to use it within the validation.php file of the payment method.
  3. Hi PS 1.7.3 Just before Terms&Conditions checkbox What class need to be loaded for use' getCheckoutSession()->setMessage('My custom message thread')'?
  4. Hi, How to save customer thread order in payment validation.php module? ... $cart = $this->context->cart; if (Tools::getValue('customer_ask')) { // How call Checkout class to run this code? $this->getCheckoutSession()->setMessage(Tools::getValue('customer_ask')); } ...
  5. Hi, I need to add a textarea for customer custom message on checkout confirmation step just before terms&conditions checkbox. What T ha What TPL and class / controller do I have to modify so that the message is saved in BO customer threads? And how? Ty
  6. Hi, I need to add a textarea for customer custom message on checkout confirmation step just before terms&conditions checkbox. What T ha What TPL and class / controller do I have to modify so that the message is saved in BO customer threads? And how? Ty
  7. Hi Contact.tpl file in prestashop 1.7 {extends file='page.tpl'} {block name='page_header_container'}{/block} {block name='left_column'} <div id="left-column" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-3"> {widget name="ps_contactinfo" hook='displayLeftColumn'} </div> {/block} {block name='page_content'} {widget name="contactform"} {/block} <!-- ADD CODE OR WIDGET LOAD HERE --> How can add html code or widget load at the end of tpl? If I add the code to the end of the file it is not displayed on the front page. Only the code that I add inside the tags {block name='page_content'} {/block} is displayed I'm trying to add a full width google map of the classic theme Thx
  8. Hi, The list of products by brand is shown: product 1 product 2 ... last product I would like it to be shown as: Tittle category 1 Product 1 in this category Product 2 in this category .... Tittle category 2 Product 1 in this category Product 2 in this category .... .... Tittle last category Product 1 in this category Product 2 in this category .... Can i change some files to do this? or any module? Prestashop v 1.7.3 Theme: Classic
  9. Hi, How can I order the products shown in the categories by two columns? I need the product listings to be ordered first by brand and within this alphabetical order of product name PS: 1.7 Theme: default I tried to manually add the order by brand in the category class and leave it in the admin sort by name if ($random === true) { $sql .= ' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT '.(int) $randomNumberProducts; } else { $sql .= ' ORDER BY m.`name`,'.(!empty($orderByPrefix) ? $orderByPrefix.'.' : '').'`'.bqSQL($orderyBy).'` '.pSQL($orderWay).' LIMIT '.(((int) $p - 1) * (int) $n).','.(int) $n; } But no result. It seems that the result product array is rearranged in the front by ajax But I can not find where it can be. thx
  10. boostrap product.tpl uses "our_price_displayed" as id , my actual template too (leo converse) Could it be done without changing any template file ?
  11. Hola, ¿Como puedo sumar una cantidad al precio del producto y que me lo respete al añadirlo a la cesta? Que al pulsar un botón me sume 10 al precio del producto pej. Tengo una tienda con todos los productos a 0€ de precio, y en la pantalla de producto unos input que según los valores introducidos me carga y resuelve una fórmula almacenada en la bd para sacar un precio para el producto, El modulo se ejecuta en el hookDisplayRightColumnProduct (no se si influye en algo el hook) ma saca bién todos los valores ya que lo muestro mediante variables smarty en el tpl del módulo pero a la hora de asignar ese resultado como precio de producto no lo consigo. Alguna variable global donde pueda almacenar el resultado y me lo reconozca el prestashop? tipo $product->price=$mi_resultado? (que no funciona) La versión del prestashop es 1.6 gracias
  12. hi, I am creating a module for the front end, in the hookDisplayRightColumnProduct. How I can add a number to the product price? For example, if I press a button I want to add 10 to the price thanks
  13. El enlace que estoy creando está en el nav.tpl , con lo que no me admite cod php, tendría que usar smarty para incrustar el token al enlace. Si uso {smarty.get.token} me coge el token actual, pero esse no es el mismo que el del enlace , con lo que me saca otra vez la página de clave de seguridad inválida.
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