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Ian Cho

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Community Answers

  1. Hi, Nunomigpe, I found the reason at BO. I found one of orders that I changed the status as Delivered. For example, if I changed the status of an order to Delivered, the BO includes the order in total. If you miss changed any status of your orders, you have to look them. Hope you find the reason.
  2. Hi guys, I have just noticed a fault data in Stats. (PS version ) According to the stats, the sales is $862.95 at 6 and 2 order were placed, However, just 1 order was placed. Can I trust the stats? Is there any Idea I can fix the fault data?? Besides, Can I trust the visit counter in Stats Dashboard?? Could you anyone tell me how to interpret the visit numbers? blow? Thank you in advance all.
  3. Hi, I recently built PS in local server and tried to change footer. I could delete the Products and Comapny blocks but I couldn't edit or create a new block. Please give me some help!!
  4. Hi guys, I need to click several times on the save buttons to edit products. Sometimes it works at once, but I have to click many times. Have you had same problems and figured out? Please share some solutions.
  5. Hi, I want to change just one category color(font or background) in Top Menu Bar (Navigation Bar) I think I need to change some code in blocktopmenu.tpl (themes\default-bootstrap\modules\blocktopmenu.tpl) and some css code for the specific link. Could you anyone give me idea how to do it? <div id="block_top_menu" class="sf-contener clearfix col-lg-12"> <div class="cat-title">{l s="Menu" mod="blocktopmenu"}</div> <ul class="sf-menu clearfix menu-content container"><!--add class .container--> {$MENU} {if $MENU_SEARCH} <li class="sf-search noBack" style="float:right"> <form id="searchbox" action="{$link->getPageLink('search')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" method="get"> <p> <input type="hidden" name="controller" value="search" /> <input type="hidden" value="position" name="orderby"/> <input type="hidden" value="desc" name="orderway"/> <input type="text" name="search_query" value="{if isset($smarty.get.search_query)}{$smarty.get.search_query|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}" /> </p> </form> </li> {/if} </ul> </div> Thank you.
  6. Good to hear that you managed the issue. I noticed that many users have the Paypal issue. My case seems weird one and have not been resolved yet.
  7. Oh... you have too may error logs receiving... Go to Advanced parameters -> Configuration Information at your Back office. At right bottom, you can see CHECK YOUR CONFIGURATION. Try to update the configurations as it says.
  8. I am spending 5 days to solve this problem... Please update if you find any idea.
  9. kinderyum Have you try to find the issue in Prestashop forge? If you haven't try to find about it at http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCSX-8040?filter=-4
  10. Hi, Are you using Paypal?? I did change all permission of payment modules to 755 as the link says but it didn't work for me. As I don't use Paypal module, the solution to change code does not suit my case. Been a while, I couldn't solve this issue and now I am very worrying...
  11. I did, but they said there have not been changed any setting at there end. Besides, they don't have any developers left who developed the modules......
  12. No I haven't. I will report it to the provider. I just add private $_postErrors = array(); And it resolved it. Thank you.
  13. Hi guys, I am using SwipeHQ payment module on Prestashop version I tried to save the module as a test mode in module configuration but an error massage popped up. Notice on line 328 in file /swipe/swipe.php [8] Undefined property: Swipe::$_postErrors Is this error could be a major issue for payment module? Because I am having an issue with the payment module. Can you guys please help me to resolve the issue? I attached the swipe.php file. Thank you. swipe.php
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