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Steve Joms

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    Joe Marie
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  1. Good day! Prestashop Japan users! Hello Omine, are there any problems with Epsilon module now? Our Epsilon credit card payment is not sending the payment transaction details to Epsilon and we are receiving "Payment Gateway Error". I have checked our contract with Epsilon and it is still active and the error transactions are not sent to Epsilon platform because there is no records in found in their list.
  2. Thank you for your response Omine. I just solved also the issue for the order-confirmation mailing with Epsilon payment. I solved it by unchecking the sending of mail for the order-confirmation with Epsilon in order statuses. If that control is checked (which is set as check by default) it will look for epsilon.txt or epsilon.html file for the mailing process but those files aren't exist so it will give an error. Glad to know that there are active members of Prestashop in Japan. Cheers!
  3. Hello Omine, this has been solved, however upon payment validation I am receiving an error that the epsilon.txt / epsilon.html for order mailing confirmation is missing in the module.
  4. Hello Omine, thank you very much for your response. I'm using PS1.6.1.23, it is now connecting but I am now receiving an error code 908 [ このCGIを実行する権限がありません] and I already inputted the hostnames in "オーダー情報発信元ホスト情報" textbox. Should I put more details on the other boxes? (I have attached a screenshot of EPSILON admin page)
  5. Good day! Hello Fellow Prestashoppers, Does anyone here using the Epsilon Payment module for their shop? Thank you! Cheers!
  6. Hello omine, does this work with PS 1.7 version? Thank you
  7. Hello Presta users, I hope this fix will work or I hope this will help someone. So instead of reCaptcha I created my own Math Captcha (ex. 5 + 7 = 12) My solution: 1. Just changing the code of contact-form.tpl in your themes folder won't work (the spammer can still connect to the "contact us" URL). What you should do is to delete the contact in the "SEO & URLs", you can find it in Preferences -> SEO & URLs 2. So after deleting the "contact" in SEO & URLs the spamming should be stop. Next thing you do is to edit the 2 files that is related to the issue. First file "contact-form.tpl" that is located in your theme folder (Dir: "/themes/"YourThemeName"/contact-form.tpl") Second file "ContactController.php" that is located in your theme folder (Dir: "/controllers/front/ContactController.php") 3. Editing the contact-form.tpl, in this file this is where you will edit the view of your contact form. You can put the code below just after the $fileupload if statement: It will look like this below: 4. Editing the ContactController.php, in this file this where your data will be controlled and validated before finalizing or posting the contact transaction. First look for initContent() function then add the following code just after line 287 or before this line of code "$this->setTemplate(_PS_THEME_DIR_.'contact-form.tpl');" Next look for postProcess() function this where the validation of data happens. In the postProcess function we should add some codes to make our Math Captcha be validated: 1. After this line of code "$message = Tools::getValue('message');" add the following code below: 2. Now we will add 2 validations first, if the field for Math Captcha is empty and second, if the answer to the Math Captcha is wrong. You can add this 2 validations right after this line of code "} elseif (!empty($file_attachment['name']) && !in_array(Tools::strtolower(substr($file_attachment['name'], -4)), $extension) &&!in_array(Tools::strtolower(substr($file_attachment['name'], -5)), $extension)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Bad file extension'); }" Then add this code 5. Final step, just add again the contact webpage or url in the SEO & URLs VOILA!!! You now got rid off the contact spammer without spending a dime. I hope this will help someone or someone may add some thoughts with this solution. Cheers guys!
  8. Hello, This problem is solved by installing PCRE to your local system. This error shows that UTF8 is not supported by your system By following the links below will solve your problem: Download PCRE from this site: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pcre/files/pcre/8.38/ Open Terminal and CD to the extracted PCRE folder You are now inside the PCRE folder Run this -> ./configure --prefix=/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles --enable-utf8 --enable-unicode-properties After the first script, run this -> make After the second script, run this -> sudo make install 7. wait till compiling is over and then copy newly created files to our library folder 8. run this - > sudo cp .libs/* /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/lib and this if needed sudo cp .libs/* /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin 9. Restart XAMPP Now, if we check /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/pcretest -C we should see that UTF 8 is supported: PCRE version 8.38 2015-11-23 Compiled with 8-bit support UTF-8 support Unicode properties support No just-in-time compiler support Newline sequence is LF \R matches all Unicode newlines Internal link size = 2 POSIX malloc threshold = 10 Parentheses nest limit = 250 Default match limit = 10000000 Default recursion depth limit = 10000000 Match recursion uses stack
  9. Hi All, What credit card payment module that works for Indonesian PrestaShop store? PS Versio: Thank you! Cheers!
  10. I tried rocky's suggestion without deleting the blocktopmenu files. Just delete the duplicate $id_shop parameter works well.
  11. Hi All, What credit card payment module that works for indonesian prestashop store? Thank you! Cheers!
  12. Hi ndiaga, Thanks for the answer. I will try to look on adding new PDO. I know this will be a lot of changes since customer records must be sync also with other tables like the orders.
  13. Hi All, Does anyone here knows or tried to share customer table only to another prestashop application? Note: 1. The 2 prestashop application is established on the same server, the other prestashop application is up in a subdomain. 2. Not multishop setup Thanks in advance.
  14. Hi ptrbrn, Have you tried changing the file permission of the files? or you can ask your hosting provider to do that for you.
  15. Hi All, I just want to share that I encountered this issue when I am embedding a youtube video and as per checking in console I see errors on loading the components of my embed. When I remove the youtube embed it works well. Initially i tried the fix below but nothing happened: 1. Raise my memory limit to 256MB 2. Raise my maximum execution time to 60
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