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About Gubik

  • Birthday 08/23/1994

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  1. Just contated server administrators and they increased timelimite and max execution time to 90 sec, same problems, everything is same.
  2. Thanks for reply, max execution time is 30sec, i cant increase it, i tried it 2 months ago and then called to my server hosting and they said it is maximum and if I want more i have to pay more But i think it is not normal when product tab is loading more then 30 seconds... I tried to deactivate all modules - nothing helps . Big changes on server - maybe it is one of problem was 2 months ago when i uploaded csv file with 10 000 combinations - Iam selling car sticker and wall stickers and EVERY sticker have other size, one have 10x3cm, next combination 20x6cm, next product for example 8x8 cm, next combination 15x15cm, 30x30cm, 90x90cm.... This csv file with 10 000 combinations - from 1x1cm to 100x100cm I had to cut into 50 files - every file had 200 combination because when i tried upload more then 200 combinations at once = error message - timeout, max execution time exceeded. But now i cant make any product with 1 combination
  3. I have turned DEV mode all time ON, It just says ,,timeout,, nothing else. When i try to add new product combinations with 180+ combinations it says sometimes error 500, sometimes error with max_execution time exceeded... please help me with this problems its look now it has 3 problems look at picture.
  4. Hello, i have seen so many tutorials to solve this problem but no one works, please help I cant create new product, everytime it says timeout and saving button still spinning. Prestashop version - max_execution time 30 (server configuration dont allow me more) Console says: http://polepto.com/a..._=1463251251561" -H "Accept: */*" -H "cache-control: no-cache" -H "Referer: http://polepto.com/admin529vvr43k/index.php?controller=AdminProducts&id_product=147&updateproduct&conf=4&key_tab=Seo&token=c53a89c8f7b9709ea0b18c3a984a3cd1" -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36" -H "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" --compressed See this picture and red line
  5. Hello, i have seen so many tutorials to solve this problem but no one works, please help I cant create new product, everytime it says timeout and saving button still spinning. Prestashop version - max_execution time 30 (server configuration dont allow me more) Console says: http://polepto.com/admin529vvr43k/index.php?controller=AdminProducts&token=c53a89c8f7b9709ea0b18c3a984a3cd1&id_product=147&action=Combinations&updateproduct&ajax=1&rand=1463251253366&_=1463251251561" -H "Accept: */*" -H "cache-control: no-cache" -H "Referer: http://polepto.com/admin529vvr43k/index.php?controller=AdminProducts&id_product=147&updateproduct&conf=4&key_tab=Seo&token=c53a89c8f7b9709ea0b18c3a984a3cd1" -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36" -H "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" --compressed See this picture and red line
  6. Last month i have same problems, i dont upraged to any new version, Iam on version Console says: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) What is wrong please?
  7. Great, thank you www.polepto.com it works, easy !!
  8. Hi have you solved it? if yes please tell me how i want to do same
  9. I dont understand you sorry can you please explain it other way? Thank you.
  10. Hello i have problem with sorting my product atributes (sizes). Iam selling car stickers on www.polepto.com. When I add new sticker - I almost always have to generate new sizes and i need to sort it by smallest to largest ( I know i backoffice i can move possition for sizes, but it is not real because ATM i have about 30 sticker but 200 sizes and i want to add about 500 more products ) Here is example of wrong sorting: http://polepto.com/vtipne/39-5hp-sticker.html Here is example of right sorting: http://polepto.com/volkswagen/18-vw-orlice.html#/8-barva-bila/143-rozmer-20x12_cm In that wrong example - i can move positions in backoffice and it will be right in ,,5hp sticker,, but i will jumble sizes for another product. Is there any way to generate many many product atributes? For example I need sizes from 1x1cm, 1x2cm, 1x3cm to 100x200 cm and I need sorting by sizes from smallest. THANK YOU. Vladislav Gubenko www.polepto.com
  11. Ahoj, prosím o pomoc, potřeboval bych nějakým způsobem udělat řazení produktů podle velikosti od nejmenší po největší aby to nebylo rozházené jako např. tady: http://polepto.com/vtipne/39-5hp-sticker.html Je mi jasný že se v adminovi dají přehazovat pozice těhle rozměrů ale na web plánuju postupně přidat cca 500 samolepek a z 90% to je vždy nový rozměr, někdy už nějaký existuje takže to nejde přesouvat na jinou pozici protože to zase rozhodí seřezaní i jinýho produktu. Jediná možnost mě napadla vypisovat nejdřiv 1x1cm,1x2 cm, 1x3cm,1x4cm až do zblbnutí a pak to teprv vybírat ale to neni reseni potreboval bych nejaky generator nebo jak se to da resit jinak. Rozmery jsou od 1cm do 300cm takže variant je asi mraky, nekdy je to 100x50cm nekdy zase 50x100cm... Priklad spravnyho razeni je napr tady: http://polepto.com/volkswagen/18-vw-orlice.html#/8-barva-bila/143-rozmer-20x12_cm Děkuju. www.polepto.com
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