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Nyla C.

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  1. In case anyone else is wondering how to do this, I added {literal} {/literal} around my typekit code. Example below: {literal} <script src="https://use.typekit.net/MY_TYPEKIT_ID.js"></script> <script>try{Typekit.load({ async: true });}catch(e){}</script> {/literal}
  2. Nope. I just ended up buying Stripe Payment Pro. I contacted the developer, but he took forever to get back to me. In a production environment, you don't have that kind of time to wait for support. You're better off just paying for a module with dedicated support in case you have any issues.
  3. Hello, does anyone know how to get Adobe Typekit fonts to show up in Prestashop? I was able to successfully add the code to my header.tpl file, however when I try using the font in css, no changes are made. Can anyone help? Thank you.
  4. This tutorial was great and very easy to follow. It simply works. I have an issue and I don't think it's your fault, but wondering if you could help? I'm using a parallax page module that shows a banner on cms pages with the page title. However, it's still showing the meta title instead of the custom page title. Any ideas on what file(s) I would edit to fix this?
  5. Hello all, I'm having an issue with the free stripe module provided by Ollie. On one page checkout, it does not work properly when a customer checks out as a guest. When one first goes to the checkout page, they are able to successfully enter credit card information and it validates normally as they type. However, if they enter their address information on instant checkout first and then press save, the stripe form no longer properly accepts the credit card information. Customers will still be able to enter the info, however pressing 'confirm payment' will result in a stripe processing error message each time. Once they receive the first error message, and then enter again the exact same credit card info, the charge processes correctly. So essentially, a customer has to enter their cc information 2x with each order: the first try will give a payment error and the second will be approved. This seems to only be a problem on one page checkout with guest checkout enabled. Does anyone know what the problem may be or how to fix it?
  6. I had this same issue. What worked for me was replacing everything in my adapter, admin, class, config, controllers, and core folders with the default files from those folders included in a fresh copy of the presta version you are using. Then going into phpadmin and restoring my presta from an SQL backup of when I was last able to log in. After that, I completely cleared my browser cache and was able to log in again. I still don't know what caused the issue or exactly which one of those folders fixed it, but I assumed I had probably accidentally messed up something in one of those folders and that was the only way to resolve my issue. I'm using Hope that helps!
  7. This helped me and I can confirm it works in Presta v Thank you!
  8. It's because of your returns validity date. If for example, if you selected "max time after delivery for a customer to submit a return" to be 12 days, then for your protection, Prestashop does not allow customers to use converted vouchers until 12 days have passed. This prevents customers from making purchases, generating vouchers, receiving an order, and then returning it but still having a free voucher to use. You can fix this by going to Orders > Merchandise Returns > and selecting a new returns validity date.
  9. Hi. Does anyone know how I can change the display order of the order total summary in the cart? For example, right now it shows like this: Total Item Price $10.00 Total Shipping $5.00 Discounts $-3.00 Total $12 Tax $1.00 Grand total $13.00 I'd like to change the display order to something like: Total Item Price $10.00 Discounts $-3.00 Tax $1.00 Shipping $5.00 Grand Total $13.00 Can you tell me please what files I would edit to do this? I have a feeling I'm overlooking a very simple fix. Thank you!
  10. You can hide it with css. Just copy the page ID and divs for the right column modules you want to hide and set display to none. For example, a page who's page ID is 2 would be like so: .cms-2 .mysidebarmodule { display: none; visibility: hidden; } and to hide the sidebar module on two pages at the same time, the css would look like: .cms-2 .mysidebarmodule, .cms-3 .mysidebarmodule { display: none; visibility: hidden; }
  11. Let me run some tests on my test store with these settings and get back to you.
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