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  1. Still having this issue here. So stupid there is zero help on these forums.
  2. On the product page - if a user uploads a photo customization, the little X that appears links to the 'productUrl+deletePicture=1' In product.tpl it looks like this: <a href="{$link->getProductDeletePictureLink($product, $field.id_customization_field)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='Delete'}" > <img src="{$img_dir}icon/delete.gif" alt="{l s='Delete'}" class="customization_delete_icon" width="12" height="12" /> </a> What method/function is being called to delete the picture? I'm trying to turn this X into an ajax call to appropriately delete the picture without reloading the page so any of the other data the user has entered doesn't get deleted during the reload. How do I get to that method to change/update it so it works with ajax?
  3. Yeah, I figured out how to allow those uploads using a few lines of code in the ProductController. Now I'm trying to figure out how to do the 'deletePicture' with the user photos when they click the X. I'd like to make it AJAX, because reloading the page really is a crappy way to handle it if they have customized data in the inputs. This is a whole different ball of wax. You know where the method that handles the deletePicture lives?
  4. I just meant 'larger files', but I figured out how to set that in settings. I was limited to 2MB or less at first, I've updated that. I've also figured out how to upload PDF files, AI files and EPS files. Is there a way to change the way the 'delete' button is handled on customer uploaded photos? The html is: <a href="http://localhost:81/prestashop/home/8-test.html?deletePicture=1" title="Delete"> <img class="customization_delete_icon" src="http://localhost:81/prestashop/themes/mytheme/img/icon/delete.gif" width="12" height="12"> </a> But that causes the page to reload and any data entered in customization inputs to be deleted. is there a way to make this call AJAX?
  5. Just another topic where there are lots of people who want to know how to do this, but no one ever replies. Prestashop - come on.
  6. This doesn't appear to be working on Bummer, because I really needed it to!
  7. I can't be the only person who has ever wanted to do this...
  8. Howdy gang, I've googled and googled but haven't been able to figure out how to allow users to upload additional file types. I really need to allow for my customers to upload PDF files - and I need to increase the file upload size limit as well. What's the best way to accomplish this? I really don't want to have to purchase/install a plugin/module JUST to do this - where in the code can I find and adjust to allow bigger file sizes and to allow PDFs?
  9. Change the file permissions from '0666' to '0644' and now it works.
  10. I'm having the same issue with all versions higher than It appears to be some sort of a bug with prestashop.
  11. I can't seem to get the newer versions of prestashop to install. It started with and is continuing with When I download a fresh copy of prestashop, extract it and put it on my server and go to install I get a 500 server error. I check the error logs which state the following: [Tue Jun 28 06:43:57 2016] [error] [client 50.200.xxx.xxx] File does not exist: /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/500.shtml [Tue Jun 28 06:43:57 2016] [error] [client 50.200.xxx.xxx] SoftException in Application.cpp:256: File "/home/xxxxxxxxxx/public_html/prestashop/install/index.php" is writeable by group Obviously the error logs are of little use. If I install this does not happen and the install works wonderfully. didn't work and now neither does My server meets all requirements in terms of proper Apache version, proper PHP version and the like. So any further thoughts on why this is?
  12. But what if Z is supposed to be nested under X and Y - does it still do that? I think if you import it using X,Y,Z - it creates the category X, with subcategory Y, with subcategory Z and labels X as the default. Your way - (I think) creates category Z, with subcategory X and subcategory Y. Which way did it turn out for you?
  13. Thanks again to no one on the forums - I have figured it out myself with the following script (adjust as needed): I hope this helps someone who like me, can't find ANYTHING regarding this. // Create connection $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $database); /* check connection */ if ($conn->connect_errno) { printf("Connect failed: %s\n", $mysqli->connect_error); exit(); } echo "Connected successfully<br /><br />"; $conn->query("update ps_category_lang set name=SUBSTRING_INDEX(name, '(', 1) WHERE name REGEXP '([[:digit:]]+)';"); $conn->query("truncate table ps_customization_field;"); $conn->query("INSERT INTO ps_customization_field (id_product,type,required) SELECT id_product,0,0 FROM ps_product WHERE id_shop_default = 1 AND customizable = 1;"); $conn->query("INSERT INTO ps_customization_field (id_product,type,required) SELECT id_product,1,1 FROM ps_product WHERE id_shop_default = 1 AND customizable = 1;"); echo "Added uploadable files & customized field to each item!<br /><br />"; $conn->query("truncate table ps_customization_field_lang;"); $conn->query("INSERT INTO ps_customization_field_lang (id_customization_field, id_lang,id_shop,name) select id_customization_field,1,1,'Upload 1' from ps_customization_field WHERE type = 0;"); $conn->query("INSERT INTO ps_customization_field_lang (id_customization_field, id_lang,id_shop,name) select id_customization_field,1,1,'Field 1' from ps_customization_field WHERE type = 1;"); echo "Added appropriate labeling for each field, for each product!<br /><br />"; echo "<h2>Yay, We're done!</h2>"; $conn->close();
  14. Since no one has replied on these forums (which is not surprising - it's pretty rare that I've seen replies to any of the more difficult questions); I created a short script to handle this after the user imports a CSV. It looks like this (adjust to your taste): // Create connection $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $database); /* check connection */ if ($conn->connect_errno) { printf("Connect failed: %s\n", $mysqli->connect_error); exit(); } echo "Connected successfully<br /><br />"; $conn->query("update ps_category_lang set name=SUBSTRING_INDEX(name, '(', 1) WHERE name REGEXP '([[:digit:]]+)';"); $conn->query("truncate table ps_customization_field;"); $conn->query("INSERT INTO ps_customization_field (id_product,type,required) SELECT id_product,0,0 FROM ps_product WHERE id_shop_default = 1 AND customizable = 1;"); $conn->query("INSERT INTO ps_customization_field (id_product,type,required) SELECT id_product,1,1 FROM ps_product WHERE id_shop_default = 1 AND customizable = 1;"); echo "Added uploadable files & customized field to each item!<br /><br />"; $conn->query("truncate table ps_customization_field_lang;"); $conn->query("INSERT INTO ps_customization_field_lang (id_customization_field, id_lang,id_shop,name) select id_customization_field,1,1,'Upload 1' from ps_customization_field WHERE type = 0;"); $conn->query("INSERT INTO ps_customization_field_lang (id_customization_field, id_lang,id_shop,name) select id_customization_field,1,1,'Field 1' from ps_customization_field WHERE type = 1;"); echo "Added appropriate labeling for each field, for each product!<br /><br />"; echo "<h2>Yay, We're done!</h2>"; $conn->close();
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