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  1. Hey Marty, NC here too, Hertford! I am trying to do the same thing but to no avail. In my site at homefeature.tpl is does not have that code.... {if isset($products) && $products} {include file="$tpl_dir./product-list.tpl" class='homefeatured tab-pane' id='homefeatured'} {else} <ul id="homefeatured" class="homefeatured tab-pane"> <li class="alert alert-info">{l s='No featured products at this time.' mod='homefeatured'}</li> </ul> {/if} That is the only code in that file. I was able to edit it under the product-list in the main theme folder but that takes the price from all areas of my site and I only want to remover it from the featured products jddrillfix.com Thanks Curtis
  2. We at jddrillfix.com manufacture a product that is steel. That being said ordering quantities change the weight and package size very quickly. With our product the customer is forced to chose a quantity of bushings because the targeted fix is based on "# of row units" What/How is the best way to go about this? What I want to do: Customer orders Base Kit, Customer orders the needed amount of bushings to complete desired task, prestashop puts it all together at check out (or sooner) and knows the proper packaging and equivalent shipping variables. thanks in advance Curtis
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