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  1. Merhaba, Mağaza sayfalarına sahip bir pazar modülüm var ama modulde bu sayfalar için tanımlanmış bir başlık yok, bu nedenle Prestashop otomatik olarak sitenin adını başlığa ekliyor. 'Mağaza adı' değişkenini mağaza sayfalarındaki başlığa nasıl ekleyebilirim? Saygılarımla,
  2. Hello, I have a marketplace module which have shop pages but there is no title defined for it so Prestashop automatically adds the sitename to the title. How can I add the variable text to the title at shop pages? Regards,
  3. Hello dear friends, My website shows the 3rd party modules' hooks in the same hook of "productcomments" module. I want to create different tabs for other modules but I couldn't figure how can I do it. My theme's tabs are accordion tabs. The code of product.tpl of product hooks are here: <!--HOOK_PRODUCT_TAB --> {if isset($HOOK_PRODUCT_TAB_CONTENT) && $HOOK_PRODUCT_TAB_CONTENT} <div id="idTab5" class="panel page-product-box"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="page-product-heading"> <a href="#productab" data-parent="#accordion-productinfo" data-toggle="collapse" class="collapsed"> {$HOOK_PRODUCT_TAB} </a> </h4> </div> <div id="productab" class="panel-collapse collapse"> <div class="panel-inner"> {$HOOK_PRODUCT_TAB_CONTENT} </div> </div> </div> {/if} <!--end HOOK_PRODUCT_TAB --> My packaging tab's tpl file is here: {if $wk_display_setting == 'tab'} <h3 class="page-product-heading">{l s='Packaging' mod='wkdropshipping'}</h3> {elseif $wk_display_setting == 'content'} <div class="rte"> <ul class="list-group list-group-flush"> {foreach $wk_packanging as $name => $value} <li class="list-group-item" style="border: none;"> <strong>{$name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</strong> {$value|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} </li> {/foreach} </div> </div> {/if} The final view is here: I will be grateful if you can solve this problem. I have many 3rd party modules which have hooks at product page and all of them have this problem. All hooks meet at the same tab. I'm not good at coding so it tooks months but I'm not successful. Regards,
  4. Hello, I'm getting [Ajax / Server Error for action upgradeComplete] textStatus: "error " errorThrown:"Service Unavailable " jqXHR: " error when upgrading from to Do you have an idea why the upgrade throws this error? Regards,
  5. Hello, I have solved the problem. Yes the problem was caused by the overrides of a module named Related Products. I deleted those files and it started to work correctly.
  6. Merhaba, Sadece özellikler ve öznitelikler sayfalarında bir özelliğe tıkladığımda ve alt özellikler listesinde 2. 3. vs. sayfalara geçmek için tıkladıgımda özellikler ve öznitelikler sayfasına geri dönüyor. Bu sorun neyden kaynaklanıyor olabilir? Yardımlarınız için şimdiden çok teşekkür ederim. Günlerdir uğraşmama rağmen bir türlü çözemedim. Saygılarımla
  7. Hello, I also have same problem. I enabled dev mode and error is this: How can I solve this? Thanks.
  8. Hello, I've a problem which I coulsn't solve for days. I have bought a module and its product tab hook come into one place with product reviews hook. I asked the module debeloper and they said it was because of theme. I'm using free theme so i have to solve it myself. Could you please help me how can I solve this problem. Screenshot included. Regards,
  9. Thank you for your answer. Yes you are right. I have to remove currency symbol but I'm newbie at coding. Which file should I edit to correct this? And which code? Regards,
  10. When I check my website via "Google Structured Data Testing Tool", all my products have an error with the price. You can see it with the attachment. I couldn't find how can I solve it. I think schema doesn't accept to show currencies with the symbols but I don't know how can I correct it. I need your help. Regards,
  11. Hello friends, When you check the attached picture, you'll see that there is "Home" at the last part of breadcrumbs at every product pages. Categories and other pages are good. How can I remove it? Regards,
  12. Add the code below to your .htaccess file and it will be ok. # 1 Month for most static assets <filesMatch ".(css|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|js|ico)$"> Header set Cache-Control "max-age=2592000, public" </filesMatch> 2592000 means the 1 month with seconds.
  13. Do you think it's OK now both at desktop and mobile? (It's much more smaller at mobile)
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