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Cosmin T.

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About Cosmin T.

  • Birthday 02/05/1983

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  1. You can search specific Module and edit in Modules page.
  2. Am rezolvat. Am sters folderele "prod" si "dev" din /app/cache
  3. Yes and not have space in settings.
  4. Hi. I have some problems with Product url adress. When Enable Friendly Url I get %20 (space symbol) after category: Ex.: mysite.com/category%20/305-name-product.html And I get Error 404. I checked friendly url settings and it's ok. I deleted {category:/} for the moment. https://rubato.online Please help me.
  5. Whoops, looks like something went wrong.1/1ContextErrorException in Cart.php line 3558:Notice: Undefined index: in Cart.php line 3558at ErrorHandler->handleError('8', 'Undefined index: ', '/home/rubatoxq/public_html/presta17/classes/Cart.php', '3558', array('products' => null)) in Cart.php line 3558at CartCore->getTotalWeight() in fancourier.php line 865at fancourier->getOrderShippingCost(object(Cart), '0') in Cart.php line 3499at CartCore->getPackageShippingCost('94', true, null, null, '1') in Carrier.php line 736at CarrierCore::getCarriersForOrder('1', array('3'), object(Cart), array()) in Carrier.php line 1528at CarrierCore::getAvailableCarrierList(object(Product), '0', '22', null, object(Cart)) in Cart.php line 2315at CartCore->getPackageList(false) in Cart.php line 2525at CartCore->getDeliveryOptionList(null) in Cart.php line 3073at CartCore->getDeliveryOption(null, false, false) in Cart.php line 3141at CartCore->getTotalShippingCost(null, false) in Cart.php line 1802at CartCore->getOrderTotal(false) in CartPresenter.php line 287at CartPresenter->present(object(Cart)) in OrderPresenter.php line 114at OrderPresenter->getProducts(object(Order)) in OrderPresenter.php line 87at OrderPresenter->present(object(Order)) in OrderConfirmationController.php line 83at OrderConfirmationControllerCore->initContent() in Controller.php line 205at ControllerCore->run() in Dispatcher.php line 369at DispatcherCore->dispatch() in index.php line 28
  6. FanCourier, Prestashop 1.7.1 După cum bine știți, modulul FanCourier pentru Prestashop 1.7 nu afișează lista cu localitățile, ci numai județele. Am implementat un modul separat care insereaza localitățile în baza de date și creează o lista drop-down cu acestea. Pentru detalii, trimiteți un PM.
  7. Hi, guis. I have one problem. After uninstall one module, remain tab in menu Admin. How remove this tab?
  8. Another problem... Server Firewall blocked my IP when update from to ultimate release FTP upload:[/home7/rubatoxq/public_html/presta17/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Console/Resources/bin/hiddeninput.exe] This extension .exe not allowed of my host.
  9. Another problem... Server Firewall blocked my IP because: FTP upload:[/home7/rubatoxq/public_html/presta17/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Console/Resources/bin/hiddeninput.exe] This extension .exe not allowed of my host.
  10. Salut. Momentan am instalat versiunea 1.6, dar am instalat și versiunea 1.7 în folderul "/prest17". In Front office arata ok, dar după ce ma autentific în Admin îmi da pagina albă. http://rubato.online/prest17 În modul DEV îmi da eroarea: ClassNotFoundException in DriverManager.php line 172: Attempted to load class "PDO" from the global namespace. Did you forget a "use" statement?
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