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  1. Det må i undskylde, jeg havde postet det i det forkerte forum Jeg syns umiddelbart ikke der er et module der kan løse dette? Omformulere lige problemet så: Når en kunde skal vedlægge et billede med file fields, så kan man på nuværende tidspunkt kun uploade ét billede pr file field. I min verden ser det ikke skønt ud med 10 file fields. Er der ingen der har en ide om hvilke filer der skal hives fat i og modificeres på?
  2. Greetings fellow PS'ers Im working on my first prestashop and i still need to solve one thing. In my case it is bad usability. Some of my products is customizable where the user have to upload one or more images. At the moment one have to add a certain input of files fields, eg. 5 fields for 5 images. My question is: Is there a way to modify the customifization block in products.tpl to ONE FILE UPLOADER can handle multiple images? An array ofc. In that case, what changes shall i make to what files? Sorry for my bad grammatics.
  3. Greetings fellow PS'ers Im working on my first prestashop and i still need to solve one thing. In my case it is bad usability. Some of my products is customizable where the user have to upload one or more images. At the moment one have to add a certain input of files fields, eg. 5 fields for 5 images. My question is: Is there a way to modify the cutsomifization block in products.tpl to ONE FILE UPLOADER can handle multiple images? An array ofc. In that case, what changes shall i make to what files? Sorry for my bad formulations.
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