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  1. I don't know how it happened, but the problem is solved.
  2. Thanks for your kind help. I've solved "Link to database cannot be established: SQLSTATE[42000] [1049] Unknown database 'cshop'" problem. However, "Table 'ps_product_reductions' already exists" problem still stays. Really strange part is there is no such table in phpmyadmin. When I try to drop the table, error message "#1051 - Unknown table 'ps_product_reductions'" returns. I think this is a really big bug.
  3. Hi there, I've installed and configured a little prestashop in local and have uploaded to a hosting. While I've been configuring furthermore in hosting, I got a strange error, that I think, it's only me got this problem. Because when I searched in google, I saw only my topic on this forum's another section about the problem and nothing else relevant to the problem. The strange problem is a database exception as "Table 'ps_product_reductions' already exists". I wrote the problem this forum and no one has answered. the screenshot of the error: Then I thoght that, altough I would lost some work, it's better to reupload. And I turned to my localhost. While I was making arrangements to move the site to another server, I got the same error in localhost. This made me really crazy! I was thinking that I was cursed, then I decided to delete db, and to create again and import the backup on both localhost and hosting. When I did this, The problem didn't solved in localhost, it's still there. However, I got even worse situation than previous: I can not connect new database by prestashop! The error I faced is "Link to database cannot be established: SQLSTATE[42000] [1049] Unknown database 'cshop'". However, I could connect phpmyadmin by using exactly same parameters. To be sure I wrote a quick php with mysqli_connection exactly the same parameters in settings.inc.php and uploaded to hosting. This php can connect with no problem. I think I'm really cursed. Please somebody help me, and I need urgently.
  4. Hi there I've edited E-mail settings, clicked Save button and that's it, I faced a blank page, both admin panel and shop. At first, I've changed _PS_MODE_DEV_ and display_errors values in defines.inc.php. Then, I saw error "Call to undefined method Db::getInstance() in /home/crewshop.com.tr/httpdocs/classes/shop/ShopUrl.php on line 159". After that, I asked google and found somethings. According to those, in confic.inc.php, made the line " setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $locale.'.UTF-8', $locale.'.utf8'); " comment with // and didn't touch other 3 setlocal. Then I faced "PrestaShopDatabaseException" (the scrrenshot of the page is attached). How can I solve this problem, what should I do?
  5. Thank you for your kind reply. Probably this will work properly, however, I couldn't reach sub-pages in admin panel, so I couldn't reach SEO&URLs page. Then, I deleted everything and did it again from beginning by using admin panel. The site works properly right now. Thanks so much again.
  6. Hi there, I've moved my presta 1.6 site to a hosting. First, I moved files by FTP and edit settings.inc.php. I've only changed _DB_SERVER_ and _MYSQL_ENGINE_ since I've created my new db with same db name, same user name and password. Then, I made export/import db to the hosting and when I tried to enter the site crewshop.com.tr, I've redirected to localhost. After googling, in ps_configuration table, I found PS_SHOP_DOMAIN value, and changed to 'crewshop.com.tr' and in 'ps_shop_url' table changed 'domain' and 'domain_ssl' columns into 'crewshop.com.tr/'. Then, when I try to access my site, in ps_configuration table PS_SHOP_DOMAIN column changes into 'localhost' and browser shows "This webpage has a redirect loop". How can I solve this problem?
  7. Hi there I'm quite a newbie on presta and I having problem about managing featured products. To learn how to do that, I've read some docs and have watched some tutorials and as I understand, I can add/remove a product to featured products block just by adding/removing home association. Then, I've removed some of the default products coming by installation from home category, and add " test product1 " with " home " association (see image). However, products I've removed from home list still stay on featured products block, and the product that I defined and associated to home category doesn't seen on the block. (see image 2) Where do I make mistake? Thanks for any help.
  8. Merhabalar Prestashop 1.5 ile crewshop.com.tr sitesini kurmaya çalışıyorum. Oldukça yeniyim. Bir tema satın aldım ve kurdum. Prestashop install ile beraber gelen örnek ürünleri, silmeyeyim, örnek olarak kalsın ama tüm kategorilerden ve anasayfadan çıkarayım, hiç bir şekilde ulaşımlasın istedim. Konuyla alakalı bulduğum yazı ve video dokümanlardan öğrenebilidiğim kadarıyla admin sayfasından menu>catalog>products sayfasında "Filter by category"yi seçip, gelen listeden "home"u seçtim. Orada karşıma gelen listeden istemediğim örnek ürünleri sildim. Ama istediğimin tam tersi oldu. Ana sayfada "featured products" bloğunda yerleri kaldı, isimleri fiyatları olduğu gibi duruyor. Resimlerinin yerinde soru işaretleri. Tıkladığında "ürün bulunamadı hatası". Oysa ben ürünler kalsın, admin sayfalarında ulaşabileyim ama hiç bir yerde görünmesin istiyordum. Onun üzerine araştırdığımda "Lof Featured Products Module" adında bir modül buldum. Bu forumun ing. sayfalarında güvenilir olduğuna dair yorumlar okudum. Onun üzerine indirdim ve kurdum. Sonuç: Benim bozuk "anasayfa ürünler"/"featured products" bloğum olduğu gibi duruyor. Üstüne bir tane daha geldi. Üstelik benim temamda değil de default temada. Türkçe sayfalara geçince daha da kötü oluyor. Kızdım, modülü disable ettim. Sonradan gelen ürünler bloğu kaybolmak yerine temanın ürünler bloğunun altına geçti. Tekrar kurdum, "item limits" ve "limit columns" değerlerini 0 yaptım, hiç bir şey değişmiyor. İki konuda yardım istiyorum. 1- Geçerken uğrayan ve bir türlü gitmek bilmeyen kaynana gibi yerleşen Lof Featured Products Modülünden nasıl kurtulacağım? 2- Temanın featured products bloğuna nasıl müdahale edeceğim, orada görünmesini istemediğim ürünleri nasıl kaldıracağım? Edit: Modülden kurtuldum. Manage Hooks, Live edit'den sildim. Ama diğer sorun hâlâ devam ediyor
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