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  1. Mislim, da je lahko karkoli, samo, da deluje. Sem zadevo že rešil malo po svoje in sem kodo dodal direktno v bankwire template in deluje normalno (ni v obliki modula). Sicer moraš prednastaviti Iban in naslov firme kam bo denar nakazan, vse ostalo potem deluje normalno. Imam prikazano položnico kot zgoraj. Če koga zanima mu pošljem. Lp, G
  2. Ok, I guess you are right. I'll look into it. Thank you R
  3. I got it, I had to change the way the UPN QR code works. So that it accepted the normal {total_paid} and then stripped out the currency. R
  4. Hello, thank you for the module, it works great, but it messes up my Email order confirmation template. it looks kind a messy in sent e-mail. What is the name of the template so I could change it. I looked all available templates but couldn't find this one. Any ideas? Thank you very much R
  5. Hello, Im trying to show some UPNQR code in customers order mail and I need to show the total price without currency in a format like 13.50 without €, $, ... etc. QR code works, except the total price. If I put {total_paid} inside it shows 7.00 instead of 7.90. I guess because it thinks that space and Currency symbol are two decimals and it strips the whole "90" out. (just guessing here.) Any idea how to proceed here. I even tried to add new custom variable in PaymentModule.php but it does not work. (I'm not a coder). '{total_paid_no_currency}' => Tools::displayPrice($order->total_paid, null, false), And I would also like to add payers address, payers postal code and payers city. I trie with {invoice_address1}, {invoice_city}' {invoice_postal_code} but nothing shows up Or I see the tags in my mail. Any help greatly appreciated Roych
  6. Našel sem hitro rešitev, ki pa še ne deluje kot bi morala. Morda kdo ve kako bi se tole dalo rešiti? <img src="https://upn-qr.gitapp.si/api/qrcode?client_name={firstname} {lastname}&client_address=Kristanova ulica 1&client_city=1000 Ljubljana&amount=00000001132&payment_purpose=Nakup izdelka&iban=SI56101000055283884&reference=SI00{order_name}&issuer_name=Asiana d.o.o.&issuer_address=Ulica gledališča BTC 2&issuer_city=1000 Ljubljana"> Tole sicer prikaže UPN QR kodo vendar nikakor ne uspem prikazati pravilne cene. {total_paid} prikaže ceno kot 13.90 € v kodi bi morala pa biti prikazana kot 00000001132, kar je isto kot (11,32€) (Regex: ^(?=.{11}$)[0]{1,11}[0-9]{0,11}$) Navodila in datoteke so tukaj, morda se komu kaj utrne ali pa mu rata morda kako drugače tole narediti. https://gitplac.si/aljaxus/upn-qr https://upn-qr.gitapp.si/ Hvala ter lep pozdrav G
  7. Ne vem zakaj lahko za nek woocomerce naredijo tak lep modul. Ki deluje zelo dobro. https://github.com/woocart/woocommerce-upn Presta zbudi se... Lp, G
  8. Se strinjam! Super, upam, da nam rata kaj porihtat. Je pa tukaj nekaj že narejenih projektov, ki bi morda znali delovati vendar se ne spoznam dovolj na python in pa ostalo, da bi mi ratalo stestirati. Morda zna komu kaj pomagati. https://pypi.org/project/qr-upn/ https://github.com/shrx/upnqr https://github.com/DataLinx/php-upn-qr-generator Pa še kaki bi se našel. Lp, R
  9. Super, upam, da nam rata kaj porihtat. Je pa tukaj gor tudi celoten python projekt, ki bi morda znal delovati vendar se ne spoznam dovolj na python, da bi mi ratalo stestirati. Morda zna komu kaj pomagati. https://pypi.org/project/qr-upn/ Lp, R
  10. Pozdravljeni, potrebovali bi simple modul za plačila preko QR kode v sloveniji. V javascriptu imam že narejeno celotno delujočo kodo. Kakšna je možnost, da tole nekako prikažem v mailu ob naročilu, da lahko stranka direkt plača preko Scan And Pay aplikacij. Sem se probal malo poigrat z paywire.html.twig datoteko in mi ne rata ravno prikazati QR kode. Ali je mogoče kdo tukaj, ki bi morda naredil simpl modul za nas? Sramota, da je v sloveniji tako malo pobude in da tega ni še nobeden naredil. Pošljem fajle resnemu, da izdela simpl modul in, da se potem šenka naprej brezplačno za vse, ki tole potrebujejo. Predvidevam, da bo tega vedno več. Hvala ter lep pozdrav R
  11. Hello, Im trying to create this sorting but somehow not working with characters lik ČŠĆŽĐ any idea how to make this work with these. any help is appreiciated Thank you R
  12. Hello I'm have a problem with my prestashop BO categories keeps resseting positions to 1. A can't for the hell find the problem. Any Ideas how to fix this? Problem is that because of this I can't even edit the categories and I can't show them in my menu. My categories all have position of 1 and when I change them with drag&drop the numbers are replaced with the right number, but if I refresh everything goes back to 1. And there is no option to save the damn thing. I'm using Prestashop Any Ideas how to fix this?
  13. Hello, After installing the New GDPR module I now have duplicated Agree to terms of service text on bottom of the register new user form. I'm having some problems removing one text. Im using PS 1.7. Where can I change this or remove the old one? Thank you R
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