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  1. Hi, I have just activated the feature to share customers between shops. However when a customer sign, his account isn't shared. In the database I see only one row in the customer table with the id of the only first created shop. Before of activating the feature I deleted all customers. What could the problem be? Thanks!
  2. No answer at all? No suggestions at all?
  3. Look for something in your theme folder, for instance the file called "footer.tpl"...
  4. Hi, I have to create a new custom page for login. It is an external page which makes a post to a php script in my module which checks password and email and if they are correct it redirect to the homepage. Instead the login doesn0t happen and the homepage is served as a gueast. I have checked email and password, so I know everything about the customer. This is the code, where is the error? Thanks $context = Context::getContext(); $customer = new CustomerCore(); if (isset($_REQUEST['email']) && isset($_REQUEST['pass'])) { if (ValidateCore::isEmail($_REQUEST['email']) && ValidateCore::isPasswd($_REQUEST['pass'])) { if ($customer->getByEmail($_REQUEST['email'], $_REQUEST['pass'])) { $customer->logged = true; $context->customer = $customer; $cookie = $context->cookie; $cookie->id_customer = $customer->id; $cookie->customer_lastname = $customer->lastname; $cookie->customer_firstname = $customer->firstname; $cookie->logged = true; $cookie->email = $customer->email; } } }
  5. Thank you for the tip on how to debug action hooks... The problem was that after having inserted a hook, the module must be reinstalled, so that the hook is registered.
  6. Hi, I want to write a module in which I should alter the prices displayed after that customers click on "Add to cart" button. I have to edit prices in function of the quantity ordered by other customers. In other words, the customers, after have clicked on "Add to cart", see the prompt with the new cart in which the module has modified the prices. The new prices should also be inserted in the cart (server side) so that when the order will be confirmed, it will contain prices as modified by the module. I don't know how to achive this result. Any idea?
  7. Hi, I have a module in which I registered two hooks but I can't execute actions with them. Can anyone help me? This is the code part which is involved (I used Configuration::updateValue() to debug because I'm not shure on how to use ppp() in this case): public function install() { if (Shop::isFeatureActive()) Shop::setContext(Shop::CONTEXT_ALL); if (! parent::install() || ! $this->registerHook('actionCartSave') || ! $this->registerHook('displayOrderConfirmation')) { return false; } return true; } public function hookDisplayOrderConfirmation($params) { Configuration::updateValue('DEBUG' . __LINE__ . "-" . __FILE__, "yes"); } public function hookActionCartSave($params) { Configuration::updateValue('DEBUG' . __LINE__ . "-" . __FILE__, "yes"); }
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