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  1. I wanted to get rid of the arrows ,not the whole dropdown event, i did it using CSS .sf-menu li li li a:first-child:before{content: "";} it is not the right way for me ,as i dont realy knows which file adds those elements ,i would prefer to change there class cause sometimes i need just to use the jquery left arrow instead of right arrow ,anyway, i would like to under-stand where the rendering for this elements happans ,cause i am running into this again and again for example in order-opc-new-account.tpl there is the id_country field which has a <span> elemnt inside a <div> , the <div> i can see in the opc-new-account.tpl but the <span> is not there and when it is being rendered it also comes with inline style="width:200px", i have checked the orderopcController.php and the .js did'n see nothing ?
  2. Also, in the top horizontal menu there are arows just near the text in each list item, i am trying to find where are those arrows or how to configure/delete them but with no success ? are they are also created dynamicly like the cms pages ?
  3. Ok ,got it, but why does the browser uses this kind of synthax as if it is pointing a directory?
  4. I have added this jquery to my CMS.tpl script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function (){ $(".my_answer").hide(); $(".list-group-item").show(); }); function LoadPage(my_link){ alert('Hello'); $("#answer").slideToggle(); $('#answer').load("my_link .rte"); } </script> i am trying to pass the var $my_link from a button ,because in each iteration it has different link, {foreach from=$cms_pages item=cmspages} <li> {$my_link=$link->getCMSLink($cmspages.id_cms, $cmspages.link_rewrite)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} <a id="my_button" onclick="Tests({$my_link});" class="list-group-item" href="#" title="{$cmspages.meta_title|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" >{$cmspages.meta_title|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} </a> <div id="answer" class="my_answer" ></div> </li> {/foreach} but it doesnt work ,any body has an idea ?
  5. I found the cms.tpl file ,i can modified it over there,but steel for the second question, where this directory is located and defined /content/category/2-questions ?
  6. I have a page that is called questions& answers(Faq) it is located in the http://my- site-domain/content/category/2-questions i can edit it's content in the BO preferences->cms ,but i would like to modify the HTML file,cause when the user click on the question he is being redirected to another page where the answer is,and i would like that the answer will open in the same page just beneth the question . also i can not find this directory /content/category/2-questions ?
  7. for example, i would like to add suppliers to orders in BO ,while trying to do so i understood that i need to override the adminOrderController.php and to add _select and _join, how do i know when it will be better to use module rather than override ?
  8. In controller i am adding the var assign in function initContent(),what is the right function to assign var, in moduls ?
  9. Thanx a lot ,it works good,but steel i wanted to know which specific controller is used with product-list home-page ? and how come when using product-list.tpl in category page the var exist and when home-page using product-list.tpl there is no var?
  10. Hello I am trying to pass smarty variable from controller to tpl,when i am using override in the categoryController i can use this variable in the product-list.tpl,but when i tried to use it in my home-page that also uses the product-list.tpl it will not work, i tried to assign, in the indexController.php--didn't work, also if when override the productController.php i dont see the assigned variable in the product.tpl ,only when codding the productControllerCore directly i can use the variable in the product.tpl . the Variable i am trying to pass is $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'BASE_ROOT_DIR' => _PS_ROOT_DIR_)); Thanx
  11. markup means? the modules order per hook in the BO? is it possible to change a button to check-box in each product? means that in the product-list i have "add to cart button" and i need it to be check-box or some other controler, when it is checked/pressed the it will do the add to cart action ?
  12. thanx ,i saw that video its very good as long as i am trying to move moduls from right to left columns or to hooks that there space is not so wide but in my case when i am trying to position moduls and logo within one hook while changing there order in the BO did'nt help, maybe because i am trying to position them horizontaly, it gives me a lot of problems ,i just couldnt make it, i am stuck. also suddently i am not getting any var in the product-list.tpl that was assigned to smarty in the CategoryControl.php , i tried to do assign in the CategoryControlCore it self as well as in the override folder but when looking at the smarty debug consule i dont see the assigned var. i replaced the smary folder from an older backup i had steel nothing is changing also i cleared smarty,prestashop,browser cach .... i will glad to get help since there are so many problems with the system and it is taking days to solve such small issues...
  13. thanxs i will work on it later on, i am jumping from one problem to another ,i am trying to re-design the site, with no luck already 3-4 days,for example if 2 moduls are attached to one hook how they are being ordered ,and where can i change there order,cause in the header.tpl i see only the call for the hook ?also how do i call to hooks that i dont see in the header.tpl for example i tried to attach the topmenu to displayNav in order to place the topmenu a little down from its current location .
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