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  1. I see that, but I still had it installed. So I had to purchase the new one for $150. My client called it extortion, lol!
  2. Magento released an article concerning this: https://magento.com/blog/magento-news/usps-updates-coming-january-17 Wheres prestashops news on this matter?
  3. Are USPS's shipping changes going to effect Prestashop and the USPS module?
  4. Prestashop will also give you nightmares.
  5. Prestashops swiftmailer library is something like 7 years old. The only update is a third party paid for plugin.
  6. For our website, when the customer checks out, the authorize.net module does not post the user info in the checkout process to the authorize.net report. Therefore the authorize.net Auto-Receipt is blank when it comes to the address and location fields. I wonder why this is, as I see address and zip parameters in the validation.php page authorize.net module uses on submit. But for whatever reason, the information entered earlier on in the checkout process (shipping info), is not reflected on the authorize.net auto receipt. I would like to get this fixed, as having that information also show up on the auto receipt is very important to us. Is this unique to my website? Do other installs of the authorize.net module post that data to authorize.net sucessfully? Or is the module not set up to post that data at all??? Thanks, David
  7. Ok so no response from anyone anywhere, but got it fixed. I had a suspicion this was really a problem with prestashop not the actual module. I just upgraded prestashop using the security patch they just released, and it fixed the shipping problem too.
  8. Directions for 1.6: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/457653-empty-cart-in-one-click-prestashop-161-delete-all-products-from-cart/
  9. Directions for 1.6: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/457653-empty-cart-in-one-click-prestashop-161-delete-all-products-from-cart/
  10. Hello, I need a one click delete all products in cart. I found solutions for previous versions of prestashop, but not 1.6, and I even though I tried solutions for earlier versions I cannot get to work. Please someone help me, as I need to just remove all products in cart with one button. I tried other solution that didn't work in prestashop 1.6. such as https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/281494-delete-all-products-in-shopping-cart/ And someone else needing same feature: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/388418-empty-cartdelete-all-products-from-cart-button-for-ps16-how/ EDIT: I have solved this by piecing together different information, this is how I've accomplished to empty cart in one click with prestashop 1.6.1: Add the link that calls emptyCart - add it somewhere in shopping-cart.tpl, as this is the cart page: <a class="btn btn-default button button-medium exclusive" href="{$link->getPageLink('cart', true, NULL, "emptyCart=1&token={$token_cart}")}" title="{l s='Delete'}"><span>{l s='Clear Cart'}</span></a> Inside CartController.php in root controllers directory, add the functions that empty out the cart: protected function emptyCart() { $result = array(); $result['summary'] = $this->context->cart->getSummaryDetails(null, true); foreach ($result['summary']['products'] as $key => &$product) { $this->processDeleteProduct($product['id_product'],$product['id_product_attribute'],$product['customization_id'],$product['id_address_delivery']); } } protected function processDeleteProduct($idProd, $idAttrib, $custom_id, $id_address) { if ($this->context->cart->deleteProduct($idProd, $idAttrib, $custom_id, $id_address)) { if (!Cart::getNbProducts((int)($this->context->cart->id))) { $this->context->cart->setDeliveryOption(null); $this->context->cart->gift = 0; $this->context->cart->gift_message = ''; $this->context->cart->update(); } } $removed = CartRule::autoAddToCart(); if (count($removed) && (int)Tools::getValue('allow_refresh')) $this->ajax_refresh = true; } I added these functions right after init function, so line 65. Inside same file, add the bit that actually runs the function when its called: so, inside public function postProcess(), add elseif to the if statement: so add: elseif (Tools::getIsset('emptyCart')) $this->emptyCart(); to: if (Tools::getIsset('add') || Tools::getIsset('update')) $this->processChangeProductInCart(); elseif (Tools::getIsset('delete')) $this->processDeleteProductInCart(); elseif (Tools::getIsset('changeAddressDelivery')) $this->processChangeProductAddressDelivery(); elseif (Tools::getIsset('allowSeperatedPackage')) $this->processAllowSeperatedPackage(); elseif (Tools::getIsset('duplicate')) $this->processDuplicateProduct(); mine looks like: if (Tools::getIsset('add') || Tools::getIsset('update')) $this->processChangeProductInCart(); elseif (Tools::getIsset('delete')) $this->processDeleteProductInCart(); elseif (Tools::getIsset('emptyCart')) $this->emptyCart(); elseif (Tools::getIsset('changeAddressDelivery')) $this->processChangeProductAddressDelivery(); elseif (Tools::getIsset('allowSeperatedPackage')) $this->processAllowSeperatedPackage(); elseif (Tools::getIsset('duplicate')) $this->processDuplicateProduct();
  11. Trying to be patient, but my client is loosing money because of this, its on the forge with no replies: http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PNM-3552?filter=-2 Its been over a week with no reply.
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