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  1. in my case it was problem with compiler...now solved : when I wrap the js gs code as here..all works {literal} <script type="text/javascript"> //javasciprt codes </script> {/literal}
  2. Thank You for the hint all other what I have wrapped in <script> </script> inside header.tpl works without problem but the code which call greensock library not now I am trying put the code into {literal} {/literal} as You wrote me in this case the page is loaded completely, but the js effect is not executed even any other script which before worked corectly doesn't work now when is wrapped into literal
  3. I have enabled dev mode and I have new info: Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty Compiler: Syntax error in template "/mnt/databox/www/www.shop.com/themes/default-bootstrap/header.tpl" on line 85 "TweenMax.from(logo,2, {css:{top: "0px", scaleX:.2, scaleY:.2},ease:Strong.easeInOut});" - Unexpected ":", expected one of: "}" <-- thrown in /mnt/databox/www/www.shop.com/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php on line 85
  4. this is my case...via buttons I slide between the areas, but the problem is, when I am in prestashop area and there I click on something, it reload completely whole page and position of browser window is back on the top 'AREA 1' http://picpaste.com/pics/draft-0vAWkPyQ.1455280370.png
  5. Hello, I am facing now similar problem... when I try to use greensock javascript code inside header.tpl: var logo = $("#landing-logo"); var time = 3.5; TweenMax.from(logo,2, {css:{top: "0px", scaleX:.2, scaleY:.2},ease:Strong.easeInOut}); so the web is not loaded and get: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) It is not a problem with the greensock library and my own gs code, because out of the presta web it runs fine it seems, that some php fight with execute the code I also have tried delete the js code from header.tpl and run the web...as the web was correctly loaded I run the js code via console and in this moment it works fine Thank You for any help Regards Zdenek
  6. ok...thank You for answer so I will try to reach my goal somehow otherwise above the <div id="page"> in which is wrapped presta I have one my own <div> and the problem is, when presta make refresh(whole DOM)..page is scrolled on the Top, there where is the my own <div> and I have to scroll back down. idea: When I click on the product -> Presta make refresh the page .....Is there any object with class where is changed status? something like class="center_column active" so that I could say via javascript if ($(.center_column).hasClass("active")) {...scrollTo} Thank You Regards Zdenek
  7. Hello, is somehow possible stop the refreshing of whole page? In my case on start page I have block with a few products and it is wrapped into: <div class="columns-container"> when I click on one of the products (to see all info/details).....in this moment is refreshed whole page not only the columns-container Thank You for any hint Regards Zdenek
  8. Hello, I am facing now similar problem... when I try to use greensock javascript code: var logo = $("#landing-logo"); var time = 3.5; TweenMax.from(logo,2, {css:{top: "0px", scaleX:.2, scaleY:.2},ease:Strong.easeInOut}); , so the web is not loaded and get: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) It is not a problem with the greensock library and my own gs code, because out of the presta web it runs fine it seems, that some php is in a fight with execute the code I also have tried delete the js code from header.tpl and run the web...as the web was correctly loaded I run the js code via console and in this moment it works fine Thank You for any help Regards Zdenek
  9. I have found the solution... copy the logo.png manualy into /img folder then in header.tpl. src="{$logo_url}" change it to: src="{$img_ps_dir}logo.png?{$img_update_time}"
  10. Hello, I am using default theme (default-bootstrap) and in back-office I have uploaded my png logo which has transparent background. On the web the logo is holding white background and I can not find a way hot change it, because I only have found that the logo is wrapped into #header_logo where is not defined background and even when I set background-color: none ...still the background is white. next I have found that the back office convert the file from png to jpeg...this is the problem Thank You for any hint Regards Zdenek
  11. Thank You for Your time, seem I have found it in presta settings 'Performance->Smarty' have to be set: Recompile templates if the files have been updated seem I have found it appears after refresh the window in a browser
  12. you mean cache in Browser or some internal cache in PrestaShop engine via back-office ...?
  13. Hello, please how can I modify the basic template after instalations? simply say I just want to wrap around whole homepage via a few my own html tags...something like <body> <html> <div id="myOwnElement"></div> <div id="page"> ....here is the content of prestashop template </div> <div id="myOwnElement2"></div> </body> </html> I have tried to add my own html elements manually in (header.tpl, footer.tpl), but probably this is not the right way, because my own elements doesn't appears on the page. Thank You for some hint Regards Zdenek
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