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  1. Hello, In June I made a migration from 1.5 to 1.7 and since then in some orders, not all, comes out a block with the source to the web. From the web they have come to the store. I know it is stored in ps_connections and ps_connections_source, but don't want that data being stored. I don't need it. I have seen the data mining module for statistics, but it is all disabled. Any idea where to disable this? Thanks
  2. Buenas, En junio hice una migración de 1.5 a 1.7 y desde entonces en algunos pedidos, no todos, sale un bloque con las fuentes de origen a la web. Desde la web que han llegado a la tienda. Sé que se guarda en ps_connections y ps_connections_source, pero no quiere que se estén almacenando esos datos. No los necesito. He visto el módulo de explotación de datos para estadísticas, pero está todo desactivado. Alguna idea de donde se desactiva esto? Gracias
  3. For me this link was the solution http://nemops.com/prestashop-redirections/#.YXfQT55Bybh $link = $this->context->link->getAdminLink('AdminProducts'); This $link has token of URL
  4. This works in prestashop in product tpl <ul class="productcats"> {foreach from=Product::getProductCategories($product.id) item=cat} {if $cat > 2} {assign var='current_cat' value=Category::getCategoryInformations(array($cat))} <li><a href="{$link->getCategoryLink({$cat})}" title="{$current_cat[{$cat}]['name']}">{$current_cat[{$cat}]['name']}</a></li> {/if} {/foreach} </ul>
  5. In which prestashop version did you make this modification? Thanks
  6. I'm still using prestashop 1.5.6 and you just solved a problem I had years ago. Thank you very much
  7. @vekia can you help me with this?
  8. Hi! I have a question about the ps_cart rule combination table. I have created a php script that generates exclusive vouchers for clients. I do not add that it is compatible with other vouchers, however when I see the database I see that some of the vouchers that I believe are associated with other vouchers. I have thousands of discount vouchers so the ps_cart_rule_combination table shoots up in size reaching gigabytes. Does anyone know if some internal prestashop process makes the combinations between discount vouchers be updated? Or if, when creating a discount voucher, the information in the table ps_cart_rule_combination is updated and this causes new records to be added in this table? Thanks!
  9. Hi, I'm looking display to customers the discount vouchers that are available at checkout. I have a onepagecheckout module (it is not the default one with prestashop). I have created a function that shows the discount vouchers through .tpl when the client is logged in. My problem is that in the onepagecheckout is the form to login. Then when the client logs through this form, they already log in, but I do not know how to show the information at that moment. Because if I reload the page if it shows the information. But I need you to show it when you login. Can someone tell me how to control if a client is logged into javascript and call my new function to show the information? Sorry for my english. I hope to have explained
  10. Thank you Razaro, thank you very much. I will explain how I fix. i installed next module https://mypresta.eu/modules/administration-tools/hooks-manager.html in controller of module i created new function for register my hook with params. Because its different call hook from product.tpl or product_list.tpl in product.tpl {hook h="prices_retailers" idproduct="{$product->id|intval}"} in product_list.tpl {hook h="prices_retailers" idproduct=$product.id_product} And works fine!!!
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