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  1. The idea is basically like the New Products block, but then not just new products but all in stock products.
  2. Hello everyone, I want to add a page to my webshop that only displays in stock products. I have 1 main category with an X amount of subcategories. These subcategories contain the products. The products self should be listed in a Grid horizontally 3 per row. If a category doesn't contain any in stock products, it should not be listed. These should be sorted like this: Available products (header) Subcategory 1 name: - product 1 - product 2 (header) Subcategory 2 Name: - product 1 etc. I searched all over the internet but cannot find any good tutorial that makes this possible. All i find is examples of showing all categories per product, instead of listing all in stock products sorted by category. |*| EDIT |*| The main category page should NOT be edited. I want 1 page with all products of each subcategory, regardless if it is in stock or not, and a new page that contains only the in stock products. So basically I want to have 2 pages with possibly the same content. Hope anyone can help me. King regards, Ronald
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