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[Module] Related Search Module

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Buy it here https://addons.prestashop.com/en/search-filters/45990-related-search.html

Allows to find related searches to a product, when a customer performs a term search.

When you search for a term, you see the searches associated with your term in the related search section.

What this product does for you

The module will improve the visibility of your products.

Your customers will be able to easily find related products. This allows them to have more precision on their research.

The module allows merchants to highlight certain products by associating them with other products. And so offer more relevant results to their client.

By using related searches, you can increase your conversion rate.

The module allows you to create relevant and quality results that your customers will like.


  • Ability to limit the number of related searches product to show in searches results
  • Ability to add, delete one or more products associated with a search term
  • Ability to choose hooks to display the module
  • The customer can browse related search results with the slider system
  • Optimize the visibility of certain products on the result page
  • Improve the user experience

What your customers will like

Related research offers the customer a way to open up new directions.

The module allows a user to find products similar to the one he specified in the search bar.

Customers like to be helped or assisted during their shopping journey. The module will allow them to easily find what they are looking for or similar to that.

Buy it here https://addons.prestashop.com/en/search-filters/45990-related-search.html

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