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Bug: BO prodotti, impossibile tradurre il contenuto del campo id="form_step2_unity" name="form[step2][unity]"


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In admin / products / prices, I am having a problem with the translation of the contents of the input field id = "form_step2_unity" name = "form [step2] [unity]"
dedicated to the explanation of the unit price, the one where in the place holder is written (per kilo / per liter)


<input type = "text" id = "form_step2_unity" name = "form [step2] [unity]" placeholder = "Per kilo, per liter" class = "form-control">

Basically if in the backend imposed the Italian or English language the text inside the field remains unchanged and not translatable, I can only overwrite the content, which then I will find myself equal in all languages.

I did the test with multiple versions of prestashop 1.7.4 and and the problem still occurs.

Can you verify and even report the error to the PS staff?

Thank you

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