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CMS (Admin) Error on 1.7.6


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I'm getting this error on a fresh 1.7.6 instalation, when i try to acess CMS pages manager on Admin:

ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS (Too many redirects..)

Page is:


I already tried:

- Enable developer mode (no information)

- Enable/Disable SSL

- Another SEO settings, url rewrite, etc..

- Clear cookies/cache


[2019-07-28 15:39:42] doctrine.DEBUG: SELECT name FROM ps_module WHERE active = 1 [] []
[2019-07-28 15:39:42] request.INFO: Matched route "admin_cms_pages_index". {"route":"admin_cms_pages_index","route_parameters":{"_controller":"PrestaShopBundle\\Controller\\Admin\\Improve\\Design\\CmsPageController::indexAction","_legacy_controller":"AdminCmsContent","_legacy_link":"AdminCmsContent","_route":"admin_cms_pages_index"},"request_uri":"https://www.tacos.com.br/admin9734/index.php/improve/design/cms-pages/?_token=5fDpEz1Z9XsCMpasE8LtLQtkjsgkajZPMoHIZXwNBjw","method":"GET"} []
[2019-07-28 15:39:42] security.DEBUG: Read existing security token from the session. {"key":"_security_main","token_class":"Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Authentication\\Token\\UsernamePasswordToken"} []
[2019-07-28 15:39:42] security.DEBUG: User was reloaded from a user provider. {"provider":"PrestaShopBundle\\Security\\Admin\\EmployeeProvider","username":"[email protected]"} []
[2019-07-28 15:39:42] doctrine.DEBUG: SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.employee AS employee_2, t0.shop AS shop_3, t0.controller AS controller_4, t0.action AS action_5, t0.filter AS filter_6, t0.filter_id AS filter_id_7 FROM ps_admin_filter t0 WHERE t0.employee = ? AND t0.shop = ? AND t0.filter_id = ? LIMIT 1 [1,1,"cms_page_category"] []
[2019-07-28 15:39:42] doctrine.DEBUG: SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.employee AS employee_2, t0.shop AS shop_3, t0.controller AS controller_4, t0.action AS action_5, t0.filter AS filter_6, t0.filter_id AS filter_id_7 FROM ps_admin_filter t0 WHERE t0.employee = ? AND t0.shop = ? AND t0.filter_id = ? LIMIT 1 [1,1,"cms_page_category"] []
[2019-07-28 15:39:42] doctrine.DEBUG: SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.employee AS employee_2, t0.shop AS shop_3, t0.controller AS controller_4, t0.action AS action_5, t0.filter AS filter_6, t0.filter_id AS filter_id_7 FROM ps_admin_filter t0 WHERE t0.employee = ? AND t0.shop = ? AND t0.filter_id = ? LIMIT 1 [1,1,"cms_page"] []
[2019-07-28 15:39:42] doctrine.DEBUG: SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.employee AS employee_2, t0.shop AS shop_3, t0.controller AS controller_4, t0.action AS action_5, t0.filter AS filter_6, t0.filter_id AS filter_id_7 FROM ps_admin_filter t0 WHERE t0.employee = ? AND t0.shop = ? AND t0.filter_id = ? LIMIT 1 [1,1,"cms_page"] []
[2019-07-28 15:39:42] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Implementing "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\DataCollectorInterface" without the "reset()" method is deprecated since Symfony 3.4 and will be unsupported in 4.0 for class "Csa\Bundle\GuzzleBundle\DataCollector\GuzzleCollector". {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Implementing \"Symfony\\Component\\HttpKernel\\DataCollector\\DataCollectorInterface\" without the \"reset()\" method is deprecated since Symfony 3.4 and will be unsupported in 4.0 for class \"Csa\\Bundle\\GuzzleBundle\\DataCollector\\GuzzleCollector\". at /home4/tacosc81/public_html/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/Profiler/Profiler.php:215)"} []
[2019-07-28 15:39:42] security.DEBUG: Stored the security token in the session. {"key":"_security_main"} []

Someone can please help?

Many thanks


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For people having the same problem to access CMS pages manager in admin using multistore you can check if in your DB, in table ps_cms_category_lang and ps_cms_category_shop that your cms categories are well linked to all your shops. Make sure that for each line in ps_cms_category_shop there is a corresponding line with the correct id_shop in the table ps_cms_category_lang. That solved the problem for me.


Hope this helps.


  • Thanks 2
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